With jQuery code like:


function myfunction(arg1, arg2) {/* something */}



The simplest way is to do it like so (assuming you don't want any of the event information passed to the function)...

$("#myid").click(function() {
    myfunction(arg1, arg2);



If you want to keep the ThisBinding (the value of this when the function is invoked, set to the element which triggered the event), then call the function with call().

$("#myid").click(function() {
    myfunction.call(this, arg1, arg2);


您不能按照示例中的方式直接传递引用,否则它的单个参数将是jQuery event object.

If you do want to pass the reference, you must leverage jQuery's proxy() function (which is a cross browser wrapper for Function.prototype.bind()). This lets you pass arguments, which are bound before the event argument.

$("#myid").click($.proxy(myfunction, null, arg1, arg2));   


在本例中,myfunction()ThisBinding完好无损地执行(null不是对象,因此使用触发事件的元素的正常this值),以及参数(按顺序)arg1arg2,最后是jQuery event对象,如果不需要它,您可以忽略它(甚至不要在函数的参数中命名它).

You could also use use the jQuery event object's data to pass data, but this would require modifying myfunction() to access it via event.data.arg1 (which aren't function arguments like your question mentions), or at least introducing a manual proxy function like the former example or a generated one using the latter example.



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