模糊事件似乎停止了click事件处理程序的工作?我有一个组合框,只有当文本字段有焦点时,选项才会出现. Select 选项链接应该会导致事件发生.


To reproduce:

  1. Select 文本框
  2. Links appear
  3. Click a link
  4. 甚至出现模糊,链接消失
  5. 没有别的事情发生.


On step 5, after blur occurs, the click even should also then fire. How do I make that happen?


After playing with this for a while, it seems that someone has gone to great lengths to prevent an already-occurred click event from being handled if a blur event makes the clicked element Un-clickable.

For example:


works just fine, but


prevents the click event.

This appears to be a bug in Firefox, since making an element un-clickable should prevent future clicks, but not cancel ones that have already occurred when it could be clicked.




  1. Use a delay. This is bad because it creates a race condition between the hiding and the click event handler. Its also sloppy.

  2. Use the mousedown event. But this isn't a great solution either since click is the correct event for a link. The behavior of mousedown is counter-intuitive from a UX perspective, particularly since you can't cancel the click by moving the mouse off the element before releasing the button.

I can think of a few more.

3.Use mouseover and mouseout on the link to enable/disable the blur event for the field. This doesn't work with keyboard tabing since the mouse is not involved.


   if($(document.activeElement) == $('.ShippingGroupLinkList'))
      return; // The element that now has focus is a link, do nothing
   $('#ShippingGroupListWrapper').css('display','none'); // hide it.




$('.ShippingGroupLinkList').live("mousedown", function(e) {
    alert('You wont see me if your cursor was in the text box');

另一种 Select 是在隐藏blur事件的链接之前进行一些延迟. Select 哪种方法取决于你.



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