我正在开发一个表单,并使用jQuery UI自动完成.当用户 Select 一个选项时,我希望该选项弹出到附加到parent <p>标记的范围中.然后,我希望字段被清除,而不是被 Select 填充.


如何取消jQuery UI自动完成的默认 Select 操作?


var availableTags = ["cheese", "milk", "dairy", "meat", "vegetables", "fruit", "grains"];
    source: availableTags,

    select: function(){
        var newTag = $(this).val();
        $(this).parent().append("<span>" + newTag + "<a href=\"#\">[x]</a> </span>");

Simply doing $(this).val(""); doesn't work. What is maddening is that almost the exact function works fine if I ignore autocomplete, and just take action when the user types a comma as such:

$('[id^=item-tag-]').keyup(function(e) {
    if(e.keyCode == 188) {
        var newTag = $(this).val().slice(0,-1);
        $(this).parent().append("<span>" + newTag + "<a href=\"#\">[x]</a> </span>");

The real end result is to get autocomplete to work with multiple selections. If anybody has any suggestions for that, they would be welcome.


Add $(this).val(''); return false; to the end of your select function to clear the field and cancel the event :)

This will prevent the value from being updated. You can see how it works around line 109 here.

The code in there checks for false specifically:

if ( false !== self._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } ) ) {
  self.element.val( item.value );


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