I have looked for a while, but I can't find a solution for this. I want the following:

  • Open an URL inside a Bootstrap modal. I have this working off course. So the content is loaded dynamically.
  • When an user pushes a button inside this modal, I want the current modal to hide, and immediately after that, I want a new modal to open with the new URL (which the user clicked on). This content of the 2nd modal is also loaded dynamically.
  • 如果用户随后关闭第二个模式,第一个模式必须再次返回.




如果看不到具体的代码,就很难给出准确的答案.但是,从 bootstrap 文档中,可以像这样隐藏模式:



$('#myModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
  // Load up a new modal...



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