


As commented by Robert Longson:
we may have multiple length results for a point (e.g due to self inflections like in a Moebius/infinity loop)

Example1: lengthAtPoint via lookup


const svg = document.querySelector("svg");
const pathTmpl = document.getElementById("pathTmpl");
const strokePath = document.getElementById("stroke");

// steps for pathlength lookup
let precision = 500;
let tolerance = 10;

// create length lookup
let t0 =
let lengthLookup = getLengthLookup(pathTmpl, precision);
let t1 =
let t2 = t1-t0
console.log('lookup calculation:', precision+' sample points', t2, 'ms')

document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  // cursor point
  let pt = new DOMPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);

  // update cursor
  let ptSvg = screenToSVG(svg, pt);
  circle.setAttribute("cx", ptSvg.x);
  circle.setAttribute("cy", ptSvg.y);

  // update length
  let lengthAtPoint = getLengthAtPoint(lengthLookup, ptSvg);

  // demo illustration: change dasharray
  if (lengthAtPoint) {
      `${lengthAtPoint} ${lengthLookup.pathLength}`

function getLengthAtPoint(lengthLookup, pt) {
  let lengthAtPoint = 0;
  let { lengthArr, yArr, xArr, pathLength } = lengthLookup;

  // find length
  let found = false;

  for (let i = 0; i < yArr.length && !found; i++) {
    let x = xArr[i];
    let y = yArr[i];

    // compare diviations
    let diffX = Math.abs(pt.x - x);
    let diffY = Math.abs(pt.y - y);
    let diff = (diffX + diffY) / 2;
    let diffMin = Math.min(diffX, diffY);
    let diffMax = Math.max(diffX, diffY);

    // add tolerance threshold
    let maxDiffRat = 1.5
    if (
      diff < tolerance ||
      (diffX < tolerance && diffY < tolerance * maxDiffRat) ||
      (diffY < tolerance && diffX < tolerance * maxDiffRat)
    ) {
      // nearest length with close x/y coordinates
      let length = lengthArr[i];
      * at this point you can certainly 
      * find a smarter interpolation to adjust
      * the actual path length
      lengthAtPoint = (lengthArr[i]) + (diffMax);

      // stop loop
      found = true;
  return lengthAtPoint;

* create lookup containing lengths and 
* coordinates at equidistant
function getLengthLookup(path, precision = 100) {
  //create pathlength lookup
  let pathLength = path.getTotalLength();
  let lengthLookup = {
    yArr: [],
    xArr: [],
    lengthArr: [],
    pathLength: pathLength

  // sample point to calculate Y at pathLengths
  let step = Math.ceil(pathLength / precision);

  for (let l = 0; l < pathLength; l += step) {
    //let pt = SVGToScreen(svg, path.getPointAtLength(l));
    let pt = path.getPointAtLength(l);
  return lengthLookup;

/** Based on @Paul LeBeau's answer
function SVGToScreen(svg, pt) {
  let p = new DOMPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
  p = p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM());
  return p;

function screenToSVG(svg, pt) {
  let p = new DOMPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
  return p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
svg {
  overflow: visible;
<h3>Click on path</h3>
  <svg  width="543" height="7907" viewBox="0 0 543 7907" >
      <path fill="none" id="pathTmpl" d="M125.5 1v0c0 78.2 63.4 141.5 141.5 141.5h126.9c25.9 0 51.4 6.9 73.9 19.8v0c45.9 26.5 74.2 75.4 74.2 128.4v22.9l-2.2 20.1c-5.7 53.2-40.2 99-89.8 119.1l-25.3 10.2c-5.1 2.1-9.6 5.3-13.1 9.5v0c-5.2 6.1-8.1 13.9-8.1 22v9.7v0c0 12.8-10.4 23.3-23.3 23.3h-368.7c-5.8 0-10.5 4.7-10.5 10.5v0v405.5v0c0 5.8 4.7 10.5 10.5 10.5h378v0c7.7 0 14 6.3 14 14v384.3v762.9c0 34.2-27.8 62-62 62v0c-34.2 0-62 27.7-62 62v180.8c0 7.2-5.8 13-13 13v0h-249.5c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v0v400v0c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h245.5v0c7.2 0 13 5.8 13 13v1129.6c0 53.9-43.8 97.7-97.7 97.7v0c-54 0-97.8 43.8-97.8 97.8v133.4v0c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h92.5v0c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v417.5c0 2.8-2.2 5-5 5v0h-92.5c-3.9 0-7 3.1-7 7v0v331.7c0 77.8 63.1 141 141 141h36.2c57.9 0 104.8 46.9 104.8 104.8v0v104.5v0c0 7.5-6 13.5-13.5 13.5h-240c-8.6 0-15.5 6.9-15.5 15.5v0v376.5v0c0 9.9 8.1 18 18 18h233v0c9.9 0 18 8.1 18 18v549.5c0 9.9-8.1 18-18 18v0h-237c-6.9 0-12.5 5.6-12.5 12.5v0v381v0c0 9.1 7.4 16.5 16.5 16.5h233v0c9.9 0 18 8.1 18 18v681.9c0 53-43 96-96 96v0c-53 0-96 43-96 96v139.6  
            " />
    <use href="#pathTmpl" stroke-width="0.25%" stroke-dasharray="0" stroke="#ccc"></use>
    <use id="stroke" href="#pathTmpl" stroke-dasharray="0 100000" stroke-width="0.25%" stroke="red"></use>
  <circle id="circle" cy="0" cx="0" r="0.5%" fill="green" fill-opacity="0.5"></circle>



getPointAtLength() isn't per se slow but quite expensive when called hundreds or thousands of times.
We should avoid calling it again and again if we can reuse point coordinates for further processing and also avoid unnecessarily detailed sample point intervals (e.g. iterating by +1 length unit - as a path can easily be > 10 0000 units long).

Therefore, we calculate coordinates at equidistant sample points and save length, x and y to a lookup object.
We can use this lookup later to find a suitable length based on the target x/y coordinates.


We need to define an error tolerance because we most likely don't have the exact coordinates.
In the above example we return an "on-point" length if

  • XTarget/xLookup和yTarget/yLookup差异均小于公差=10个用户单位
  • OR x Target/x Lookup Diff低于阈值,而y Target/y Lookup Diff容差较小*2




Main challenge: point-to-length relation

虽然我们可以相当有效地计算许多点坐标部署适当的公式为线/折线/多边形(线性插值- LERP)和二次或三次贝塞尔曲线(德卡斯特劳算法)-我们不能很容易地将这些点与实际长度时,谈到贝塞尔.参见"Finding points on curves in HTML 5 2d Canvas context"Primer on Bézier Curves §24 Arc length


Alternatives to native getPointAtLength() for better performance

There are JS libraries developed mainly to provide getTotalLength() and getPointAtLength() functionality in headless or virtual DOM environments such as node.js or react e.g. svg-path-properties.
In fact these "emulations" can often provide a better performance if you need to calculate > 100 points.

svg-path-properties for instance读取重要的路径度量一次

const properties = new path.svgPathProperties("M0,100 Q50,-50 100,100 T200,100");


const point = properties.getPointAtLength(200);


上面的例子通过native方法生成500个样本点的长度很容易超过200 ms,而svg-path-properties需要大约5- 10 ms(取决于您的浏览器和设备)

Example 2: pointAtlength() altenative

下面的示例基于My own experimental path length script,它与svg-路径-属性有很多相同的概念.


const svg = document.querySelector("svg");
const pathTmpl = document.getElementById("pathTmpl");
const strokePath = document.getElementById("stroke");

// steps for pathlength lookup
let precision = 10000;
let tolerance = 10;

// get pathLength alternative
t0 =
// lookup for path length calculations
let lengthLookup = getPathLengthLookup(pathTmpl.getAttribute('d'))

// lookup for point at length calculations
let pointAtLengthLookup = getPointAtLengthLookup(lengthLookup, precision)

t1 =
t2 = t1 - t0
console.log('pathLength alternative:', precision, 'sample points', t2, 'ms')

document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  // cursor point
  let pt = new DOMPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);

  // update cursor
  let ptSvg = screenToSVG(svg, pt);
  circle.setAttribute("cx", ptSvg.x);
  circle.setAttribute("cy", ptSvg.y);

  // update length
  let lengthAtPoint = getLengthAtPoint(pointAtLengthLookup, ptSvg);

  // demo illustration: change dasharray
  if (lengthAtPoint) {
      `${lengthAtPoint} ${lengthLookup.totalLength}`

function getLengthAtPoint(lengthLookup, pt) {
  let lengthAtPoint = 0;
  let {
  } = lengthLookup;

  // find length
  let found = false;

  for (let i = 0; i < yArr.length && !found; i++) {
    let x = xArr[i];
    let y = yArr[i];

    // compare diviations
    let diffX = Math.abs(pt.x - x);
    let diffY = Math.abs(pt.y - y);
    let diffMin = Math.min(diffX, diffY)
    let diffMax = Math.max(diffX, diffY)
    let diffTolerance = (tolerance - diffMax);

    // simple average diff
    let diff = (diffX + diffY) / 2;

    // add tolerance threshold
    let maxDiffRat = 1.5
    if (
      diff <= tolerance ||
      (diffX <= tolerance && diffY <= tolerance * maxDiffRat) ||
      (diffY <= tolerance && diffX <= tolerance * maxDiffRat)
    ) {

      // nearest length with close x/y coordinates
      let length = lengthArr[i];

      // interpolate length based on length deviation
      let lengthPrev = lengthArr[i - 1] ? lengthArr[i - 1] : length;
      lengthAtPoint = (lengthArr[i]) + (diffMax)

      // stop loop
      found = true;
  return lengthAtPoint;

 * create lookup containing lengths and 
 * coordinates at equidistant
function getPointAtLengthLookup(lengthLookup, precision = 100) {
  //create pathlength lookup
  let pathLength = lengthLookup.totalLength;
  let lengthAtPointLookup = {
    yArr: [],
    xArr: [],
    lengthArr: [],
    pathLength: pathLength

  // sample point to calculate Y at pathLengths
  let step = Math.ceil(pathLength / precision);

  for (let l = 0; l < pathLength; l += step) {
    //let pt = SVGToScreen(svg, path.getPointAtLength(l));
    let pt = lengthLookup.getPointAtLength(l);
  return lengthAtPointLookup;

/** Based on @Paul LeBeau's answer
function SVGToScreen(svg, pt) {
  let p = new DOMPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
  p = p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM());
  return p;

function screenToSVG(svg, pt) {
  let p = new DOMPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
  return p.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
svg {
  overflow: visible;
<script src=""></script>

<svg width="543" height="7907" viewBox="0 0 543 7907">
            <path fill="none" id="pathTmpl" d="M125.5 1v0c0 78.2 63.4 141.5 141.5 141.5h126.9c25.9 0 51.4 6.9 73.9 19.8v0c45.9 26.5 74.2 75.4 74.2 128.4v22.9l-2.2 20.1c-5.7 53.2-40.2 99-89.8 119.1l-25.3 10.2c-5.1 2.1-9.6 5.3-13.1 9.5v0c-5.2 6.1-8.1 13.9-8.1 22v9.7v0c0 12.8-10.4 23.3-23.3 23.3h-368.7c-5.8 0-10.5 4.7-10.5 10.5v0v405.5v0c0 5.8 4.7 10.5 10.5 10.5h378v0c7.7 0 14 6.3 14 14v384.3v762.9c0 34.2-27.8 62-62 62v0c-34.2 0-62 27.7-62 62v180.8c0 7.2-5.8 13-13 13v0h-249.5c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v0v400v0c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h245.5v0c7.2 0 13 5.8 13 13v1129.6c0 53.9-43.8 97.7-97.7 97.7v0c-54 0-97.8 43.8-97.8 97.8v133.4v0c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h92.5v0c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v417.5c0 2.8-2.2 5-5 5v0h-92.5c-3.9 0-7 3.1-7 7v0v331.7c0 77.8 63.1 141 141 141h36.2c57.9 0 104.8 46.9 104.8 104.8v0v104.5v0c0 7.5-6 13.5-13.5 13.5h-240c-8.6 0-15.5 6.9-15.5 15.5v0v376.5v0c0 9.9 8.1 18 18 18h233v0c9.9 0 18 8.1 18 18v549.5c0 9.9-8.1 18-18 18v0h-237c-6.9 0-12.5 5.6-12.5 12.5v0v381v0c0 9.1 7.4 16.5 16.5 16.5h233v0c9.9 0 18 8.1 18 18v681.9c0 53-43 96-96 96v0c-53 0-96 43-96 96v139.6  
                " />
        <use href="#pathTmpl" stroke-width="0.25%" stroke-dasharray="0" stroke="#ccc"></use>
        <use id="stroke" href="#pathTmpl" stroke-dasharray="0 100000" stroke-width="0.25%" stroke="red"></use>

        <circle id="circle" cy="0" cx="0" r="0.5%" fill="green" fill-opacity="0.5"></circle>

Alternative path length libraries





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