根据the Java Memory Model (JMM):

当且仅当所有顺序一致的执行都没有数据竞争时,一个程序才是correctly synchronized.


I don't see how the the fact that no SC execution has data races guarantees that every execution has no data races (which means that every execution is SC).
Is there a proof of that?


  1. A blog post by Jeremy Manson (one of the authors of the JMM).
    The following paragraph might mean that the guarantee is provided by causality (but I don't see how):


    a) That write happened before it, or
    b) You have already justified the write.



  2. Foundations of the C++ Concurrency Memory Model.
    This article describes C++ memory model (which has similarities with the JMM).
    Section 8 of the article has a proof of a similar guarantee for C++:

    定理8.1.If a program allows a type 2 data race in a consistent execution, then there exists a sequentially consistent execution, with two conflicting actions, neither of which happens before the other.8

    In effect, we only need to look at sequentially consistent executions in order to determine whether there is a data race in a consistent execution.
    8 The latter is essentially the condition used in [25] to define “correctly synchronized” for Java.





证据就在The Java Memory Model by J.Manson, W.Pugh and S.Adve:


引理2.Consider an execution E of a correctly synchronized program P that is legal under the Java memory model. If, in E, each read sees a write that happens-before it, E has sequentially consistent behavior.

Since the execution is legal under the memory model, the execution is happens-before consistent and synchronization order consistent.
A topological sort on the happens-before edges of the actions in an execution gives a total order consistent with program order and synchronization order. Let r be the first read in E that doesn’t see the most recent conflicting write w in the sorted order but instead sees w′. Let the topological sort of E be αw′βwγrδ.
Let αw′βwγr′δ′ be the topological sort of an execution E′. E′ is obtained exactly as E, except that instead of r, it performs the action r′, which is the same as r except that it sees w; δ′ is any sequentially consistent completion of the program such that each read sees the previous conflicting write.
The execution E′ is sequentially consistent, and it is not the case that w′ ‒hb→ w ‒hb→ r, so P is not correctly synchronized.
Thus, no such r exists and the program has sequentially consistent behavior. □

定理3.If an execution E of a correctly synchronized program is legal under the Java memory model, it is also sequentially consistent.

Proof: By Lemma 2, if an execution E is not sequentially consistent, there must be a read r that sees a write w such that w does not happen-before r. The read must be committed, because otherwise it would not be able to see a write that does not happen-before it. There may be multiple reads of this sort; if so, let r be the first such read that was committed. Let Eᵢ be the execution that was used to justify committing r.
The relative happens-before order of committed actions and actions being committed must remain the same in all executions considering the resulting set of committed actions. Thus, if we don’t have w ‒hb→ r in E, then we didn’t have w ‒hb→ r in Eᵢ when we committed r.
Since r was the first read to be committed that doesn’t see a write that happens-before it, each committed read in Eᵢ must see a write that happens-before it. Non-committed reads always sees writes that happens-before them. Thus, each read in Eᵢ sees a write that happens-before it, and there is a write w in Eᵢ that is not ordered with respect to r by happens-before ordering.
A topological sort of the actions in Eᵢ according to their happens-before edges gives a total order consistent with program order and synchronization order. This gives a total order for a sequentially consistent execution in which the conflicting accesses w and r are not ordered by happens-before edges. However, Lemma 2 shows that executions of correctly synchronized programs in which each read sees a write that happens-before it must be sequentially consistent. Therefore, this program is not correctly synchronized. This is a contradiction. □


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