我有一个用SWIFT和SceneKit构建的3D地球仪,为了表示用户的当前位置,我使用了一个圆环(甜甜圈形状的对象).用户的位置可以在世界上的任何地方,简单地将 node 添加到Globe并不能使其与Globe对齐(与Globe对齐).我必须修改 node EulerAngles,以使其与地球平坦.我的功能不能正确地将形状与地球对齐,因为给定了任何唯一的位置.我想要的功能,以定位环平的基础上的任何一组纬度和经度.

    let dotNode = SCNNode(geometry: lowerCircle)
    dotNode.eulerAngles = getRotation(lat: viewModel.currentLocation?.lat ?? 0.0, long: viewModel.currentLocation?.long ?? 0.0)

    func getRotation(lat: Double, long: Double) -> SCNVector3 {
        let latRad = lat * .pi / 180.0
        let lonRad = long * .pi / 180.0

        let rotationX = Float(-latRad)
        let rotationY = Float(lonRad)
        let rotationZ = Float(lonRad)

        return SCNVector3Make(rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ)
        //slightly correct rotation for Saudi Arabia
        //SCNVector3Make(.pi / 3.75, 0, -.pi / 4)






圆环是地球 node 的子 node .

圆环是地球 node 的子 node ,应用于该圆环的任何旋转或定位都相对于地球 node .这简化了在特定地理位置将圆环与地球表面对齐的过程.无需考虑整个场景的坐标系,只需相对于地球 node 调整圆环即可.


func getTorusOrientation(lat: Double, long: Double) -> SCNVector4 {
    let latRad = lat * .pi / 180.0
    let lonRad = long * .pi / 180.0

    // Calculate position vector
    let x = cos(latRad) * cos(lonRad)
    let y = cos(latRad) * sin(lonRad)
    let z = sin(latRad)

    let positionVector = SCNVector3(x, y, z)

    // Updated up vector (assuming Y-axis is 'up' in the coordinate system)
    let upVector = SCNVector3(0, 1, 0)

    // Calculate cross-product
    let crossProduct = positionVector.cross(upVector)

    // Calculate angle for rotation
    let angle = acos(positionVector.dot(upVector))

    return SCNVector4(crossProduct.x, crossProduct.y, crossProduct.z, angle)

extension SCNVector3 {
    func cross(_ vector: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
        return SCNVector3(
            self.y * vector.z - self.z * vector.y,
            self.z * vector.x - self.x * vector.z,
            self.x * vector.y - self.y * vector.x

    func dot(_ vector: SCNVector3) -> Float {
        return (self.x * vector.x + self.y * vector.y + self.z * vector.z)

// Usage
dotNode.orientation = getTorusOrientation(lat: viewModel.currentLocation?.lat ?? 0.0, 
                                          long: viewModel.currentLocation?.long ?? 0.0)


upVector设置为(0, 1, 0),这是在许多3D坐标系中定义向上方向的标准方式.


旋转的angle是使用positionVectorupVector之间的点积计算的.该Angular 是圆环绕crossProduct轴旋转以与指定地理位置处的地球曲面正确对齐所需的量.



// Create a torus
let torus = SCNTorus(ringRadius: 1.0, pipeRadius: 0.1)
let torusNode = SCNNode(geometry: torus)

// Set the torus orientation (using the previously discussed getTorusOrientation function)
torusNode.orientation = getTorusOrientation(lat: viewModel.currentLocation?.lat ?? 0.0, 
                                            long: viewModel.currentLocation?.long ?? 0.0)

// Add the torus node to the earth node

您将创建一个具有特定半径值的SCNTorus对象,然后将其包装在SCNNode(即torusNode)中.使用getTorusOrientation函数设置该 node 的方向,使其在球体上正确对齐.最后,将圆环 node 作为子 node 添加到地球 node ,以维护正确定位和定向所需的层次关系.


Modifying Euler angles directly can be a viable approach, but trickier because of issues like gimbal lock. See for instance "Understanding Gimbal Lock and how to prevent it".
It can be more intuitive in some cases, especially when dealing with geographic coordinates. But it may not handle all rotation scenarios as well as quaternions.

关键是首先旋转圆环 node 的纬度(绕X轴),然后旋转经度(绕Y轴):

func getEulerAngles(lat: Double, long: Double) -> SCNVector3 {
    // Convert lat and long to radians
    let latRad = lat * .pi / 180.0
    let longRad = long * .pi / 180.0

    // For latitude: Rotate around the X-axis
    let rotationX = -latRad // Negative because SceneKit uses a right-handed coordinate system

    // For longitude: Rotate around the Y-axis
    let rotationY = longRad

    // No rotation around the Z-axis
    let rotationZ = 0.0

    return SCNVector3(rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ)

// Usage
dotNode.eulerAngles = getEulerAngles(lat: viewModel.currentLocation?.lat ?? 0.0, 
                                     long: viewModel.currentLocation?.long ?? 0.0)


Your solution using the Euler angles is basically correct.
If you add a minus 1.57 rads like let rotationX = -latRad - 1.57 then the solution works perfectly, and the torus is flush anywhere on the globe. I am not sure why you have to subtract 90 degrees, but it works.

需要从绕X轴的旋转中减go 1.57弧度(约为90度),可以通过了解圆环的初始方向以及它需要如何相对于地球表面定位来解释.



减go 1.57(或π/2)弧度会旋转圆环,使其与地球上的纬度线正确对齐.如果没有这种调整,环面将直立在赤道,而不是平躺在地球表面.


func getEulerAngles(lat: Double, long: Double) -> SCNVector3 {
    let latRad = lat * .pi / 180.0
    let longRad = long * .pi / 180.0

    let rotationX = -latRad - 1.57 // Adjust for the initial orientation of the torus
    let rotationY = longRad
    let rotationZ = 0.0

    return SCNVector3(rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ)

// Usage
dotNode.eulerAngles = getEulerAngles(lat: viewModel.currentLocation?.lat ?? 0.0, 
                                     long: viewModel.currentLocation?.long ?? 0.0)






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