在我的项目中,我以编程方式创建顶点,这意味着我正在填充 在 struct 后面加上我在应用程序中创建的数据.

struct Vertex{
var position: SIMD3<Float>
var color: SIMD4<Float>
var textCoors: SIMD2<Float>






enter image description here


enter image description here

(正方形和矩形是四边形的特例) 纹理正在变形.

我找不到好的解决办法,我有一些 idea ,比如和许多人一起做飞机 小方块,但感觉很糟糕,应该有更好的解决方案.

func textureRip(pI: Int, l: Int, vertex: [[SIMD3<Float>]]) -> SIMD2<Float> {
        var textCoor0 = SIMD2<Float>()
        // We have this ratio because metalview coordinate system 2x2 unit size
        // from -1 to 1 for both x and y. Texture coordinate sistem is 1 unit wide and
        // unit height. (0 to 1). So metal view twice as much bigger.
        let ratio:Float = 2
        // We are adding 1 to metal view values because its values begins
        // from -1 so we are shifting its coordinate system to texture coordinate
        // system along wiht ratio.
        let x0  =  (vertex[pI][0].x + 1) / ratio
        let x   =  (vertex[pI][1].x + 1) / ratio
        // We are using "1 -" because texture coordinate sistem origin is
        // at the top left corner and metal view coordinate system at center.
        // in that case texture look upside down so we are turning it using "1-".
        let y0  = 1 - (vertex[pI][0].y + 1) / ratio
        let y   = 1 - (vertex[pI][2].y + 1) / ratio
        if l == 0 {
            textCoor0 = SIMD2<Float>(x0, y0)
        } else if l == 1 {
            textCoor0 = SIMD2<Float>(x, y0)
        } else if l == 2 {
            textCoor0 = SIMD2<Float>(x, y)
        } else {
            textCoor0 = SIMD2<Float>(x0, y)
        return textCoor0





func textureRip(pI: Int, l: Int, vertex: [[SIMD3<Float>]]) -> SIMD2<Float> {
        var textCoor = SIMD2<Float>()
        // We have this ratio because metalview coordinate system 2x2 unit size
        // from -1 to 1 for both x and y. Texture coordinate sistem is 1 unit wide and
        // unit height. (0 to 1). So metal view twice as much bigger.
        let ratio:Float = 2
        // We are adding 1 to metal view values because its values begins
        // from -1 so we are shifting its coordinate system to texture coordinate
        // system along wiht ratio.
        let x1  =  (vertex[pI][0].x + 1) / ratio
        let x2  =  (vertex[pI][1].x + 1) / ratio
        let x3  =  (vertex[pI][2].x + 1) / ratio
        let x4  =  (vertex[pI][3].x + 1) / ratio
        // We are using "1 -" because texture coordinate sistem origin is
        // at the top left corner and metal view coordinate system at center.
        // in that case texture look upside down so we are turning it using "1-".
        let y1  = 1 - (vertex[pI][0].y + 1) / ratio
        let y2  = 1 - (vertex[pI][1].y + 1) / ratio
        let y3  = 1 - (vertex[pI][2].y + 1) / ratio
        let y4  = 1 - (vertex[pI][3].y + 1) / ratio
        if l == 0 {
            textCoor = SIMD2<Float>(x1, y1)
        } else if l == 1 {
            textCoor = SIMD2<Float>(x2, y2)
        } else if l == 2 {
            textCoor = SIMD2<Float>(x3 , y3)
        } else {
            textCoor = SIMD2<Float>(x4, y4)
        return textCoor

正如可以看到的那样,我的测试图像看起来质感很好. 每一个四边形实际上都是独立的物体,可以独立移动.

enter image description here



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