从Flutter 3.13开始,您可能已经根据您的平台通道方法调用(IOS)注意到新的Flutter 错误:

[ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(1015)] The 'CameraController' channel sent a message from native to Flutter on a non-platform thread. Platform channel messages must be sent on the platform thread. Failure to do so may result in data loss or crashes, and must be fixed in the plugin or application code creating that channel.
See https://docs.flutter.dev/platform-integration/platform-channels#channels-and-platform-threading for more information.


public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
  let taskQueue = registrar.messenger.makeBackgroundTaskQueue()
  let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.example.foo",
                                     binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger(),
                                     codec: FlutterStandardMethodCodec.sharedInstance,
                                     taskQueue: taskQueue)
  let instance = MyPlugin()
  registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(instance, channel: channel)


let flutterController : FlutterViewController = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController                    
let cameraChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "CameraController", binaryMessenger: flutterController.binaryMessenger)

然后,我在App Start上从我的原生iOS频道打电话:

private func setupCameraConst() {
 DispatchQueue.main.async {
  channel!.invokeMethod("setAspectRatio", arguments: aspectRatio)
  channel!.invokeMethod("setMinZoomLevel", arguments: minZoom)
  channel!.invokeMethod("setMaxZoomLevel", arguments: maxZoom)
  channel!.invokeMethod("setMinExposure", arguments: minExposure)
  channel!.invokeMethod("setMaxExposure", arguments: maxExposure)
  channel!.invokeMethod("setOnFrontCamera", arguments:   cameraPosition == .front)



地址为in the official platform channel documentation:

DispatchQueue.main.async {
  // Make your invokeMethod calls here.



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