我已经被正式通知,iOS 17.2包含了新的API,正式支持在相机应用程序中对照片捕捉的音量按钮激活.

接口名为AVCaptureEventInteraction Link

那么,如果我使用AVCam sample code,我将如何能够附加此交互组件?

    if #available(iOS 17.2, *) {
       let interaction = AVCaptureEventInteraction { event in
             print ("AVCaptureEventInteraction Fired")



You would need to integrate AVCaptureEventInteraction into the AVCaptureSession or a related component.
The API usage could look like this:

if #available(iOS 17.2, *) {
    let interaction = AVCaptureEventInteraction { event in
        // Handle the volume button press event here
        // e.g., Trigger photo capture
        print("AVCaptureEventInteraction Fired")
    // Add the interaction to your capture session or related component
    // That might depend on further details from the API documentation

But, since the AVCaptureEventInteraction API documentation is not detailed, you might need to experiment with where to add this interaction within the AVCaptureSession setup. A likely place is right after initializing the session and before starting it.
I tried a quick search on GitHub... and found nothing(!)

You could try and add the AVCaptureEventInteraction initialization in the configureSession method of the AVCam sample, after setting up the session but before starting it.
Inside the closure of AVCaptureEventInteraction, implement the logic to capture a photo when the volume button is pressed. Add the interaction to the AVCaptureSession.

func configureSession() {
    // existing setup code for AVCaptureSession 

    if #available(iOS 17.2, *) {
        let interaction = AVCaptureEventInteraction { event in
            // Implement the logic to capture a photo
            print("AVCaptureEventInteraction Fired")
            // Example: self.capturePhoto()

    // rest of the session configuration 





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