我在我的博客上有一个问答页面,我想让它成为一个问题以一个大问号开始,答案以一个大惊叹号开始,那就是一个大写字母.使用::first-letter个伪元素和initial-letter个属性很容易实现这种效果,就像在这里提出的另一个问题(Drop-caps using CSS)中演示的那样,但问题是question mark and exclamation mark are not letters, therefore this approach does not work for them.有没有其他的解决方案呢?



.question::before {
  content: '?';
  font-size: 3em;
  font-weight: 800;
  padding: 15px;
  display: inline-block;
<div class="question">I have a Q&A page in my blog, and I wanted to make it so the question starts with a large question mark, and the answer with a large exclamation mark, that is a drop cap. Such effect is easy to achieve with `::first-letter` pseudo-element and `initial-letter` property, but the problem is that question mark and exclamation mark are not letters, therefore these approach does not work for them. Is there an alternative solution for this?</div>



为了有趣和更容易维护,我从段落元素的数据属性中提取了Drop Character值.这允许在没有额外的css的情况下使用不同的字符.我还利用相同的属性使您的 Select 器更加通用.可重用性应该是所有代码的目标.

[data-dropchar]::before {
  content: attr(data-dropchar);
  font-size: 3em;
  line-height: 1em;
  font-weight: 800;
  padding-right: 15px;
  float: left;
<p data-dropchar="?">I have a Q&A page in my blog, and I wanted to make it so the question starts with a large question mark, and the answer with a large exclamation mark, that is a drop cap. Such effect is easy to achieve with `::first-letter` pseudo element and `initial-letter` property, but the problem is that question mark and exclamation mark are not letters, therefore these approach does not work for them. Is there an alternative solution for this?</p>

<p data-dropchar="I">I have a Q&A page in my blog, and I wanted to make it so the question starts with a large question mark, and the answer with a large exclamation mark, that is a drop cap. Such effect is easy to achieve with `::first-letter` pseudo element and `initial-letter` property, but the problem is that question mark and exclamation mark are not letters, therefore these approach does not work for them. Is there an alternative solution for this?</p>




在Apps Script中连接CSS与HTML



如何仅 Select 与子代CSS类匹配的第一个元素





在显示 swift ui 之前加载下一个 YouTube 视频

jQuery 索引返回不正确的结果

如何将 HTML DateTime 转换为 Golang Time 对象

如何在 Flex 对齐内容框下显示隐藏按钮和文本

