我正在try 为Go AMQP使用者https://github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go/blob/main/_examples/consumer/consumer.go的精简和略微修改的版本编写单元测试,以使用一个简单的实用程序来消费RabbitMQ队列中的消息,并将它们转发到AWS SQS队列.我在模仿Connection和Channel struct 之类的东西时遇到了困难--这是一个很新的东西--有什么 idea 可以解决这个问题吗?我在操场上写了一个代码要点--go 掉了大部分代码,只剩下突出的部分.问题是这样的:


go: finding module for package github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go
go: downloading github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go v1.8.1
go: found github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go in github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go v1.8.1
# play
./prog.go:23:16: cannot use dial(url) (value of type *amqp091.Connection) as Connection value in assignment: *amqp091.Connection does not implement Connection (wrong type for method Channel)
        have Channel() (*amqp091.Channel, error)
        want Channel() (Channel, error)

Go build failed.

我试图嘲弄的真正乐趣是: https://github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go/blob/579207b03cecc66c1b206679b79f267c8c734db7/connection.go#L843


package main

import amqp "github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go"

type Channel interface {
    Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error

type Connection interface {
    Channel() (Channel, error)
    Close() error

type Consumer struct {
    conn    Connection
    channel Channel
    tag     string
    done    chan error

func (c *Consumer) Consume(url string) error {
    var err error
    c.conn, err = dial(url)
    return err

var dial = func(url string) (*amqp.Connection, error) {
    return &amqp.Connection{}, nil

func main() {


// mocks in a test file

type mockConnection struct{}

func (m *mockConnection) Channel() (Channel, error) {
    return &mockChannel{}, nil

func (m *mockConnection) Close() error {
    return nil

type mockChannel struct{}

func (m *mockChannel) Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error {
    return nil

//dial = func(url string) (*mockConnection, error) {
//  return &mockConnection{}, nil


func (m *mockConnection) Channel() (Channel, error) {
    return &mockChannel{}, nil



我认为在rabbitmq/amqp091-go connection.go年内:

Channel opens a unique, concurrent server channel to process the bulk of AMQP
messages.  Any error from methods on this receiver will render the receiver
invalid and a new Channel should be opened.
func (c *Connection) Channel() (*Channel, error) {
    return c.openChannel()


type Connection interface {
    Channel() (Channel, error)
    Close() error

I would prefer using MyConnection or MyChannel, just to avoid any confusion.
And using a dial function returning (MyConnection, error) instead of (*amqp.Connection, error): That would allow you to use either the real amqp connection or your mock connection in tests by assigning the dial function to return your mock implementation.

You can then use type assertions within your actual code to handle cases where you need to work with the real amqp091 structs.
For example:

func doSomethingWithChannel(channel MyChannel) {
    if realChannel, ok := channel.(*amqp.Channel); ok {
        // Do something with realChannel
    } else {
        // Handle mockChannel

这允许您通过模拟ConnectionChannel接口来编写单元测试,同时仍然能够在实际代码中使用真正的amqp091 struct .


One way to avoid this is to have your production and test code both implement the same interface, and then in your actual code, you only interact with this interface.
This way, the actual code does not know anything about whether it is dealing with the real implementation or the mock, and you do not have any test code leaking into your actual application.

package main

import (
    amqp "github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go"

// Define the interfaces
type MyChannel interface {
    Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error

type MyConnection interface {
    Channel() (MyChannel, error)
    Close() error

// Consumer struct
type Consumer struct {
    conn    MyConnection
    channel MyChannel
    tag     string
    done    chan error

func (c *Consumer) Consume(url string) error {
    var err error
    c.conn, err = dial(url)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.channel, err = c.conn.Channel()
    return err

// Use function variable for dial so it can be overridden in tests
var dial = func(url string) (MyConnection, error) {
    conn, err := amqp.Dial(url)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &AMQPConnection{conn}, nil

// Wrappers around real amqp types to implement your interfaces
type AMQPConnection struct {

func (a *AMQPConnection) Channel() (MyChannel, error) {
    ch, err := a.Connection.Channel()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &AMQPChannel{ch}, nil

type AMQPChannel struct {

func (a *AMQPChannel) Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error {
    return a.Channel.Cancel(consumer, noWait)

func main() {
    c := &Consumer{}
    err := c.Consume("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")

// In a separate _test.go file

type mockConnection struct{}

func (m *mockConnection) Channel() (MyChannel, error) {
    return &mockChannel{}, nil

func (m *mockConnection) Close() error {
    return nil

type mockChannel struct{}

func (m *mockChannel) Cancel(consumer string, noWait bool) error {
    return nil


func TestConsumer(t *testing.T) {
    dial = func(url string) (MyConnection, error) {
        return &mockConnection{}, nil
    // rest of your test code

That way, your production code does not have any knowledge of the test code, and it interacts only through the interface, which is implemented by both the real and mock versions.
The test code can inject the mock implementation by overriding the dial function.

要模拟the closeChannel method进行测试,实际上不需要模拟该特定方法,而是需要模拟通常会调用它的 struct 和方法.

closeChannelConnection struct 的未导出方法,这意味着不能从包外部直接访问它.此方法是amqp091-go库的内部逻辑的一部分.

但是,您仍然可以通过模拟与该方法交互的公共方法和 struct 来测试依赖于该方法的行为.


type mockConnection struct {
    // ... you can keep state here if needed to simulate connection behavior ...

func (m *mockConnection) Channel() (MyChannel, error) {
    // Simulate behavior of opening a new channel
    return &mockChannel{}, nil

func (m *mockConnection) Close() error {
    // Simulate behavior of closing the connection, which would internally call closeChannel
    return nil

type mockChannel struct{}

func (m *mockChannel) Close() error {
    // Simulate behavior of closing the channel, which would internally call closeChannel
    return nil

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
    // Use the mockConnection in place of the real connection
    conn := &mockConnection{}
    // Your test logic here, e.g., opening and closing channels, and asserting the expected behavior

Your mock implementations simulate the behavior of the real Connection and Channel types.
Although this does not let you test the internal closeChannel method directly, it does allow you to test the behavior that relies on it by using the public interface.
This approach adheres to the best practices of unit testing, where you should test the public interface of a unit and not its internal implementation details.



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