我想在Fabric Chaincode中使用GRPC来实现跨链通信,而不是使用Fabric SDK. 但当我在Fabric-Sample/测试-Network上调用chaincode函数时,它总是出错.

Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"error in simulation: failed to execute transaction eb5e480bd4075a767f56ae263741ca0f5f19620ef88952e26b7f1952bdbe83cd: could not launch chaincode chaincode_1.2:d3f97f15a635e73d3de230c8e5899e5fb95a68cf897c03e19f9e4eeca7ca3fd5: chaincode registration failed: container exited with 2"

谁能告诉我这个错误是什么原因? 我的链码有错误或GRPC不能在链码函数中使用?


func (s *SmartContract) begin(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error {
    return nil

func (s *SmartContract) client(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface) error {
    // client.Clientfunc is the client main function
    client.Clientfunc(Xt, R, sign, m)


func Main() {
    listen, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":9090")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to listen: %v", err)
    grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
    pb.RegisterSendServiceServer(grpcServer, &server{})
    err2 := grpcServer.Serve(listen)
    if err2 != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to serve: %v", err2)


func Clientfunc(Xt *btcec.PublicKey, R *btcec.PublicKey, s *big.Int, m []byte) []byte {
    conn, err := grpc.Dial("", grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
    defer conn.Close()
    client := pb.NewSendServiceClient(conn)
    output := &pb.SignInput{
        XtX: Xt.X().Int64(),
        XtY: Xt.Y().Int64(),
        M:   m,
        RX:  R.X().Int64(),
        RY:  R.Y().Int64(),
        S:   s.Int64(),
    resp, _ := client.Send(context.Background(), output)
    return resp.GetM()



Hyperledger Fabric v2.x/ Logging Control中所述,什么可以告诉您导致error 500(内部服务器错误)的原因是服务器日志(log)


docker logs <chaincode_container_id>
kubectl logs -n <namespace> <pod_name>
oc logs -n <namespace> <pod_name>


From your code, you might consider not starting the gRPC server (server.Main()) in the chaincode. Chaincode runs within the Hyperledger Fabric network and is not meant to handle network communications like a standalone application does.
Instead, you should make the gRPC server a separate service that runs independently, and then the chaincode can communicate with this service as needed.

Plus the client.Clientfunc() function seems to establish a gRPC connection, send a request, and wait for a response. This is a synchronous operation and can be problematic if the response takes a long time to arrive. It's better to use an asynchronous operation (i.e., send the request and handle the response in a callback function) to avoid blocking the chaincode execution.
And... you should not ignore the error from client.Send() ;)




不同渠道上的组织之间的通信可能很复杂,因为这是Hyperledger Fabric设计的一个基本方面,即channels个彼此隔离以维护数据隐私.


  • Chaincode Functions: One organization can invoke a chaincode function on its own channel, which in turn invokes a chaincode function on another channel. This is possible because a chaincode can be associated with multiple channels.
    Note that this approach has the limitation that the second function invocation is not part of the same transaction as the first, so it can't be rolled back if the first transaction fails.

  • Dual Membership:一个组织可以是多个渠道的一部分.因此,它可以从一个通道读取数据,并将数据写入另一个通道.然而,这是在两个独立的事务中完成的,因此原子性不能得到保证.

  • Private Data Collections (PDCs):如果目标是在特定组织之间共享私有数据,甚至跨不同渠道,则PDC可能是一种 Select .PDC允许渠道上定义的组织子集认可、提交或查询私有数据,而无需跨渠道上的所有组织分发数据.

  • Interoperability Solutions: There are also more advanced solutions being developed for blockchain interoperability, like the Interledger Protocol (ILP), that could potentially be used to move data or assets between different Fabric networks (or even between entirely different types of blockchain networks).
    However, these are still largely in the research and development stage and might not be ready for production use.


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