我正在try 在我的Reaction项目中实现流行的Pinterest砖石网格视图.我知道网上有无数的资源可以帮助我做到这一点,但我找不到一个适合我的用例.

我的 case 是:



下面是动态卡片react 的一些片段:

<div className='LiveRoomCard' style={{
                        border: props.liveroom.joined ? '1.5px solid #d500f9' : props.liveroom.pinned ? '1.5px solid black' : '1px solid lightgray',
                        marginLeft: isMobile ? `${windowSize.current[0]*0.008}vw` : '2.5vw',
                        width: isMobile ? `${windowSize.current[0]*0.45}px` : '200px',
                        maxWidth: isMobile ? `${windowSize.current[0]*0.45}px` : '200px',
                        height: props.size === 'small' ? '160px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '250px' : '320px',
                        maxHeight: props.size === 'small' ? '160px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '250px' : '320px'
            <div className='LiveRoomCard-image' style={{
                    minHeight: props.size === 'small' ? '70px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '150px' : '200px',
                    maxHeight: props.size === 'small' ? '70px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '150px' : '200px'
                <img src={props.liveroom.backgroundImage ?? cardPlaceHolder} alt='post bg image' style={{
                    minHeight: props.size === 'small' ? '70px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '150px' : '200px',
                    maxHeight: props.size === 'small' ? '70px' : props.size === 'medium' ? '150px' : '200px'
                  //rest of body that is unimportant for this question


.LiveRoomCard {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    background-color: white;
    height: 320px;
    max-height: 320px;
    border-radius: 15px;
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px grey;
    margin-top: 4%;
    margin-left: 2.5vw; /*overriden in react component*/
.LiveRoomCard-image {
    flex: 1; /* Allow the content to take remaining top space. The LiveRoomCard-details div then takes the little at the bottom */
.LiveRoomCard-image img{
    min-width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    object-fit: cover; /* This maintains aspect ratio and covers the container */
    border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0;


const postCardSizes = ["small", "medium", "large"];
    <div className='Liverooms-container' style={{height: isMobile ? '500px' : '700px'}}>
    {rooms.map(liveroom => {               
                        const sizeIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * postCardSizes.length);
                        const randomSize = postCardSizes[sizeIndex];
                        return (
                            <div className='Liverooms-card-container' key={liveroom.roomId}>
                                <LiveRoomCard key={liveroom.roomId} size={randomSize}/>


.Liverooms-container {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

    overflow-y: scroll;
    overflow-x: scroll;
.Liverooms-card-container {
    height: fit-content;

I feel like I am almost there as this is what my output looks like on desktop: Desktop Image

And this is what it looks like on mobile:Mobile image



在我们理解/阅读Masonry布局的意义上,从UX POV(或者,不那么专业的术语,作为布局的读者)来说,并不是真正存在的.

Yes, technically, it could be achieved using flex and changing flex-direction to column or with CSS columns property, but we'd need a script to calculate each item's position before-hand and then set the container's height precisely so the items wrap as intended.
Also, with any of these approaches, the order of the items in DOM would be different than what is perceived as "natural flow" (we'd have all items in column A before all items in column B), and so on...




此外,这并不是最初的Pinterest算法的at all%工作方式.相反,代码小得令人惊讶,优雅,而且,我认为,很容易理解.


  1. 将容器的position: relative和所有砖石项目设置为position: absolutedisplay: none(或opacity: 0).所有这些,以及项的宽度,都可以通过css从一开始就完成,然后被内联计算的样式覆盖,或者通过分配一个显示类(或移除一个隐藏的类)来覆盖.

  2. 基于可用容器width计算可用列的数量.

  3. Typically we'd create an empty array for each column, for storing each item's position as we calculate them, although technically we could also use a 2d matrix. Each column should keep a state of its current height, starting from 0.
    Important note: the "columns" are virtual, they don't have a corresponding DOM element. The masonry items should be immediate children of the masonry container. An item's column determines its translateX transform value (see next step).

  4. loop through the masonry items and place them in the shortest left-most column (or right-most, if you prefer). By placing we mean:
    a) calculate the current item's transform: translate(x, y) based on the column's height and index;
    b) update column's height by adding the current item's height and the optional item gap(s) to it; 1
    c) update the masonry DOM container's height to equal to the tallest column's height (+ appropriate gap(s)).
    Having a deterministic and consistent way of placing the next item (vs placing them randomly) might not seem important, but it is, from a UX perspective. We want our users to be able to follow and be able to continue "reading" the content if they refresh or resize the page (which might change the number of columns). It is important to allow them to determine where they need to continue reading from, without undue cognitive effort. Some implementations also keep the current scroll position in state/cache to allow for more intuitive refresh behavior

  5. 上面的循环比人们想象的要快得多,所以通常我们会计算所有项,然后开始实际显示它们.我见过这个脚本的版本,其中更改display/opacity的砖石项目是在循环中处理的,但根据我的估计,如果我们想要在显示项目时进行任何类型的过渡(或令人震惊的动画),最好在计算完所有transform之后再处理它们.

  6. 外部容器应该有overflow: hidden,所以我们不会在窗口/容器调整大小事件上得到奇怪的行为.说到这一点,在调整窗口大小时,最终通过一些限制,我们必须重新运行上述步骤(而不隐藏项目).注在transform属性上放置一个简短的transition在这里非常有效,因为用户可以很容易地想象当列数改变时项的位置.此外,这些转变是有意义的,并不是巨大的 skip .它们是人们在将n列中的项目重新排列为n - 1n + 1列时所做的事情.








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