我正try 在八个拼图游戏中使用广度优先搜索(BFS).代码可以根据BFS规则成功地移动拼图块,并用尽可能性列表.然而,它最终未能找到解决方案.//////////////////////////p>

node 类定义网格以及拼图如何移动,以判断重复和目标.//////////////////////////p>

public class Node
    public List<Node> children = new List<Node>();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List to store child nodes
    public Node parent;  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reference to the parent node
    public int[] puzzle = new int[9];  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// one dimensional array to represent the grid.
    public int x = 0;  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Variable to store the index of the empty tile
    public int col = 3;  

    public Node(int[] p)

    public void Set_Puzzle(int[] p)
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Copies the input puzzle array to the current node's puzzle array
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzle.Length; i++)
            this.puzzle[i] = p[i];

    public bool GoalState()
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Checks if the current puzzle state matches the goal state
        int[] arr = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
        return arr.SequenceEqual(puzzle);

    public void Expand_Node()
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Generates child nodes by moving the empty tile in different directions
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzle.Length; i++)
            if (puzzle[i] == 0)
                x = i;

        Move_To_Right(puzzle, x);
        Move_Down(puzzle, x);
        Move_To_Left(puzzle, x);
        Move_Up(puzzle, x);

    public void Move_To_Right(int[] p, int i)
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Moves the empty tile to the right, creating a new child node
        if (i % col < col - 1)
            int[] pc = new int[9];
            Copy_Puzzle(pc, p);
            int temp = pc[i + 1];
            pc[i + 1] = pc[i];
            pc[i] = temp;
            Node child = new Node(pc);
            child.parent = this;

    public void Move_To_Left(int[] p, int i)
            if (i % col < 0)
                int[] pc = new int[9];
                Copy_Puzzle(pc, p);
                int temp = pc[i - 1];
                pc[i - 1] = pc[i];
                pc[i] = temp;
                Node child = new Node(pc);

                child.parent = this;


        public void Move_Up(int[] p, int i)
            if (i - col >= 0)
                int[] pc = new int[9];
                Copy_Puzzle(pc, p);
                int temp = pc[i - 3];
                pc[i - 3] = pc[i];
                pc[i] = temp;
                Node child = new Node(pc);

                child.parent = this;


        public void Move_Down(int[] p, int i)
            if (i + col <= 8)
                int[] pc = new int[9];
                Copy_Puzzle(pc, p);
                int temp = pc[i + 3];
                pc[i + 3] = pc[i];
                pc[i] = temp;

                Node child = new Node(pc);

                child.parent = this;


    public void Copy_Puzzle(int[] a, int[] b)
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Copies the elements from one array to another
        for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
            a[i] = b[i];

       public void Print_Console()
            int m = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
                    Console.Write(puzzle[m] + " ");
    public bool SameP(int[] p)
            return puzzle.SequenceEqual(p);



public List<Node> BFS(Node root)
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Performs Breadth-First Search starting from the root node
    List<Node> path_to_solution = new List<Node>();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List to store the path to the solution
    Queue<Node> frontier = new Queue<Node>();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Queue to track nodes to visit
    List<Node> visited = new List<Node>();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List to store visited nodes
    bool goal_found = false;

    while (frontier.Count > 0 && !goal_found)
        Node current_node = frontier.Dequeue();

        if (current_node.GoalState())
            Console.WriteLine("Goal Found");
            goal_found = true;
            Path_Tracer(path_to_solution, current_node);

        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Expanding the current node by generating its child nodes and add them to the frontier queue

    current_node.Expand_Node();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Generate child nodes by moving the empty tile in different possible directions
    current_node.Print_Console();  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Print the current puzzle grid to the console to check if its working properly

        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enqueue unvisited child nodes to the frontier
        for (int i = 0; i < current_node.children.Count; i++)
            Node current_child = current_node.children[i];
            if (!Contains(frontier.ToList(), current_child) && !Contains(visited, current_child))

    return path_to_solution;
public void Path_Tracer(List<Node> path, Node n)
    Console.WriteLine("Retracing Path...");  
    Node current = n;  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start from the given node
    path.Add(current);  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Add the current node to the path list

    while (current.parent != null)
        current = current.parent;  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Move to the parent node
        path.Add(current);  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Add the parent node to the path list


 public static bool Contains(List<Node> list, Node c)
            bool contains = false;
            for (int i = 0;i < list.Count;i++) 
                if (list[i].SameP(c.puzzle))
                    contains = true;
            return contains;


static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] puzzle =
                1, 0 ,2,
                3, 4, 5,
                6, 7 ,8,       


            Node root = new Node(puzzle);
            Uninformed_Search ui = new Uninformed_Search();
            List<Node> sol = ui.BFS(root);

            if(sol.Count > 0) 
                for (int i = 0; i < sol.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("No path found");


沈阳1 0 2//////////////////////////p>

3 4 5//////////////////////////p>

6 7 8....//////////////////////////p>


1 2 0//////////////////////////p>

3 4 5//////////////////////////p>

6 7 8....//////////////////////////p>


1 4 2//////////////////////////p>

3 0 5//////////////////////////p>

6 7 8....//////////////////////////p>


1 2 5//////////////////////////p>

3 4 0//////////////////////////p>

6 7 8....//////////////////////////p>

0 and 1 only need to swap places to reach the goal state but the for some reason its refusing to do so, thus I am suspecting the method to check for repetition(SameP()//////////////////////////code>) might be incorrect. However, I can not think of any solution. Thanks for reading, I hope some one could help me answer this.//////////////////////////p>


问题是Move_To_Left方法中的条件,它应该是> 0,以下是修改后的方法:

public void Move_To_Left(int[] p, int i)
    if (i % col > 0)
        int[] pc = new int[9];
        Copy_Puzzle(pc, p);
        int temp = pc[i - 1];
        pc[i - 1] = pc[i];
        pc[i] = temp;
        Node child = new Node(pc);
        child.parent = this;


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