
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define num_players 2
#define num_pits_player 6
#define num_seeds 4

struct gameState{
    int pits[num_players][num_pits_player]; //pits for the seeds
    int deposit[num_players]; //deposit for the pits
    int playerTurn; //keeping track of whose turn it is

void displayGame(struct gameState *game){
           "|  %2d    |-----------------|   %2d   |\n"
           "|        |%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|        |\n"
           game->pits[1][0], game->pits[1][1], game->pits[1][2], game->pits[1][3], game->pits[1][4], game->pits[1][5],
           game->deposit[1], game->deposit[0],
           game->pits[0][0], game->pits[0][1], game->pits[0][2], game->pits[0][3], game->pits[0][4], game->pits[0][5]);
void capture(struct gameState *game, int player, int pitToSow){
    int currentPit = (pitToSow + 1) % num_pits_player; //variable for the current pit
    int seedsInCurrentPit = game->pits[(player + currentPit / num_pits_player) % num_players][currentPit % num_pits_player]; //getting the seeds in the current pit
    int opponent = (player + 1) % num_players;

    if(seedsInCurrentPit == 2 || seedsInCurrentPit == 3) { //checking for conditions to sow
        game->deposit[player] += seedsInCurrentPit; //adding to deposit
        game->pits[opponent][seedsInCurrentPit] = 0; //dont work
        printf("player %d sowed %d seeds from \nplayer %d's pit number %d", player, seedsInCurrentPit, opponent, game->pits[opponent][seedsInCurrentPit]);
        //check suplementary rules

void makeMove(struct gameState *game){
    int player = game->playerTurn;
    printf("Player %d's turn.\nPick a pit to sow(1-6): ", player);
    int pitToSow;
    if(scanf("%d", &pitToSow) != 1 || pitToSow < 1 || pitToSow > 6) { //validating if the pit is valid
        fprintf(stderr, "scanf failed\n");
    pitToSow--; // adjusting for zero-based indexing

    // Get the seeds from the selected pit
    int seedsToSow = game->pits[player][pitToSow];
    int lastPitSown = -1; // Initialize the variable to track the last pit sown
    int lastPlayer = player; // Initialize the variable to track the player of the last pit sown
    //zero out the pit
    game->pits[player][pitToSow] = 0;
    for(int currentPit = pitToSow + 1; seedsToSow > 0; currentPit++, seedsToSow--) {
        // Distribute one seed to the current pit - moving mechanic
        game->pits[(player + currentPit / num_pits_player) % num_players][currentPit % num_pits_player]++;
        lastPitSown = currentPit % num_pits_player; // Update the last pit sown
        lastPlayer = (player + currentPit / num_pits_player) % num_players; // Update the player of the last pit sown

    if(lastPitSown >= 0 && lastPitSown < num_pits_player){ //if the last pit sown is in the scope of the array
        capture(game, player, pitToSow); //call capture function

    //update turns
    game->playerTurn = (game->playerTurn + 1) % num_players;
void startGame(struct gameState *game){
    for(int player=0; player < num_players; player++){ //rotating the players
        for(int pit=0; pit < num_pits_player; pit++){ //populating each player's pits
            game->pits[player][pit] = num_seeds;
        game->deposit[player] = 0; //init of deposits/score

int main() {
    struct gameState game;
    //picking the game mode to play

    //game start - populate each pit w/ 4, deposit w/ 0
    //display game
    while(game.deposit[0] <= 25 || game.deposit[1] <= 25){

    return 0;

我try 使用game->pits[opponent][seedsInCurrentPit] = 0;,但即使我相信索引是正确的,代码也不能像预期的那样运行.我还添加了printf("player %d sowed %d seeds from \nplayer %d's pit number %d", player, seedsInCurrentPit, opponent, game->pits[opponent][seedsInCurrentPit]);作为调试语句,它似乎返回得很好,但是我需要清零的值(存放SeedsInCurrentPit的PIT)却不是这样. 最后,我试过使用game->pits[(player + currentPit / num_pits_player) % num_players][currentPit % num_pits_player] = 0;,但没有用.

An example for the return I get when I run my current code implementation is Test run example

As can be seen, the debug statement returns just fine, as the pit to be emptied should be the first of player 1(pit 0), and the correct number of seeds gets added to player 0's deposit, however the pit where the seeds are taken from isn't emptied as it should, and behaves like a normal pit.
For this scenario, I've fed the following input:
player 0: 3
player 1: 1
player 0: 4
player 1: 3
player 0: 2
Right here, capture happens

Furthermore, I've noticed that player 1 does not capture any seeds from player 0, even if conditions are met, as shown in the image below Player 1 error in capture




很久以前就看到了这个游戏的参考资料,你的代码很有趣.然而,这个实现给我的印象是difficult-to-discern个操作的泥潭,涉及too many个变量,每个变量的名字都是far too long.C不是COBOL,这个应用程序不需要长变量名.(当目的和范围受到限制时,我建议 Select 简洁而不是冗长.


  1. 内部表示可以是最适合该目的的任何形式.单个数组(12,pits个)简化了种子分配时的模数包装.
  2. 将代码分解到函数中是值得称赞的,但有时会使操作变得模糊,而不是帮助读者理解.
  3. comments 应该只解释不寻常的东西,而不是显而易见的东西(对熟悉这种语言的读者来说).
  4. 下面使用单字节unsigned char表示seeds的数字和分数(数据范围从048).这允许memset()(库函数)初始化每个pit中的种子数量.
  5. 在阅读了这个游戏的Wikipedia页面之后,下面的代码似乎完全实现了评分(我希望是正确的).可以在一个单层中从对手的几个坑中收集点.
  6. 这场比赛是counter-clockwise场比赛.

您的代码中的用户反馈- printf() -给人的印象是花费了大量时间来实现特定的布局.下面是这个版本的第trimmed页.

建议首先将重点放在让程序逻辑根据需要工作上.谚语"The proof is in the pudding,"和"Appearances can be deceiving."中蕴含着许多智慧.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define nPlayer 2
#define nOne 6
#define nPit (2 * nOne)
#define nSeed 4

typedef unsigned char t_Pit;

void show( t_Pit p[], t_Pit s[] ) {
        "      |%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|\n"
        "P1 %2d +-----------------+ P0 %2d\n"
        "      |%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|\n"
        p[ 5], p[ 4], p[ 3], p[ 2], p[ 1], p[ 0], // NB: custom indexing
        s[ 1], s[ 0],
        p[ 6], p[ 7], p[ 8], p[ 9], p[10], p[11] ); // note indexing

int main( void ) {
    t_Pit   pit[ nPit ] = { 0 },
            score[ nPlayer ] = { 0 };

    memset( pit, nSeed, sizeof pit );
    show( pit, score );

    /* note the use of the && operator here */
//  for( int player = 0; score[0] <= 25 && score[1] <= 25; player = !player ) { // wrong!
    for( int player = 0; score[0] < 25 && score[1] < 25; player = !player ) {
        printf( "%d selects pit (1-6): ", player );

        int from, to;
        if( scanf( "%d", &from ) != 1 || from < 1 || from > 6 ) {
            puts( "scanf failed" );
            return 1;
        from -= 1; // 0 indexing

        if( player == 0 ) // change to "high range" of pits?
            from += nOne;
        to = from; // for now...

        int nSow = pit[ from ];
        pit[ from ] = 0;

        while( nSow-- )
            pit[ to = (to+1)%nPit ]++;

        // test = false when stepping out of opponents range of pits
        for( ; to/nOne != from/nOne; to = (to+(nPit-1))%nPit ) // modulo -1
            if( pit[ to ] == 2 || pit[ to ] == 3 ) {
                score[ player ] += pit[ to ];
                pit[ to ] = 0;
            } else break;

        show( pit, score );

    return 0;


应该是score[0] < 25 && score[1] < 25

根据维基百科,draw是可能的.当一个玩家获得25+ seeds时,该玩家在游戏中获得won.


下面是经过修改的大致相同的代码,以便当前玩家从他们的Angular "从左到右"查看棋盘.这次修订是为了展示扩展compact代码的灵活性.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef unsigned char t_Pit;

void show( int player, t_Pit p[], t_Pit s[], int win ) {
    int a = player, o = !a; // 'a'ctive & 'o'pponent

    int x = a ? 0 : 6;
    int y = a ? 6 : 0;
    char *str = win ? "Wins the game\n\n" : "selects pit (1-6): ";
        "%2d  |%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|\n"
        "%2d  |%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|%2d|\n"

        "%d %s",
        o,  s[o], p[y+5], p[y+4], p[y+3], p[y+2], p[y+1], p[y+0], // NB: custom indexing
            s[a], p[x+0], p[x+1], p[x+2], p[x+3], p[x+4], p[x+5], a,
        a, str

int main( void ) {
    enum { nPlayer = 2, nOne = 6, nPit = (2*nOne), nSeed = 4, nWin = 25 }; // for @M.M.

    t_Pit score[ nPlayer ] = { 0 };
    t_Pit pit[ nPit ] = { 0 };
    memset( pit, nSeed, sizeof pit );

    int actv = 0;
    for( ; score[0] < nWin && score[1] < nWin; actv = !actv ) {
        show( actv, pit, score, 0 );

        int from, to;
        if( scanf( "%d", &from ) != 1 || from < 1 || from > 6 ) {
            puts( "scanf failed" );
            return 1;
        from -= 1; // 0 indexing

        if( actv == 0 ) // change to "high range" of pits?
            from += nOne;
        to = from; // for now...

        int nSow = pit[ from ];
        pit[ from ] = 0;

        while( nSow-- )
            pit[ to = (to+1)%nPit ]++;

        // condition true only while in opponent's range of pits
        for( ; to/nOne != from/nOne; to = (to+(nPit-1))%nPit ) // modulo -1
            if( pit[ to ] == 2 || pit[ to ] == 3 ) {
                score[ actv ] += pit[ to ];
                pit[ to ] = 0;
            } else break;
    show( !actv, pit, score, 1 ); // have a winner (require opp. parity)

    return 0;



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