我刚刚在一个服务器上启用了配置转换.在观看斯科特·汉塞尔曼的《video on web deployment》之后,VS2010 RC中的NET3.5项目.不幸的是,每次我go 发表我现在得到以下错误:


如果我使用一个全新的VS2010 web应用程序,默认情况下已经进行了配置转换,那么我没有问题,因此我怀疑我的问题与项目有关.以前有没有人遇到过这个问题,或者对解决方法有什么 idea ?


Looks like the answer was simple yet obscure; I had an app setting (a password), which contained a ">" symbol. I tried converting the app to .NET 4 then back to .NET 3.5 and everything ran fine as during the process the symbol had been escaped to ">". Never had a problem with this character until config transformations came along but at least the fix is now simple.

编辑:详细一点写博客:Visual Studio 2010 Config Transformations TransformXml task failure


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