我使用的是Web API 2,当我在本地邮箱上使用IIS 7.5向我的API方法发送帖子时,出现了以下错误.

The inline constraint resolver of type 'DefaultInlineConstraintResolver' was unable to resolve the following inline constraint: 'string'.

Line 21: GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnsureInitialized();

我的API都不能使用IIS工作.但是,我可以使用IIS Express在Visual Studio中运行我的API项目,并成功地向我的登录API发出POST,但是当我try 向另一个API调用发出GET请求时,我收到约束解析器错误.

为了解决这个问题,我在Visual Studio中创建了一个全新的WebAPI2项目,并开始将现有的API逐个导入到新项目中,然后运行它们以确保它们正常工作.对这个新项目使用IIS Express时,我得到的结果与对现有API项目的结果完全相同.






如错误所示,Web API附带的DefaultInlineConstraintResolver没有名为string的内联约束.默认支持的选项如下:

// Type-specific constraints
{ "bool", typeof(BoolRouteConstraint) },
{ "datetime", typeof(DateTimeRouteConstraint) },
{ "decimal", typeof(DecimalRouteConstraint) },
{ "double", typeof(DoubleRouteConstraint) },
{ "float", typeof(FloatRouteConstraint) },
{ "guid", typeof(GuidRouteConstraint) },
{ "int", typeof(IntRouteConstraint) },
{ "long", typeof(LongRouteConstraint) },

// Length constraints
{ "minlength", typeof(MinLengthRouteConstraint) },
{ "maxlength", typeof(MaxLengthRouteConstraint) },
{ "length", typeof(LengthRouteConstraint) },

// Min/Max value constraints
{ "min", typeof(MinRouteConstraint) },
{ "max", typeof(MaxRouteConstraint) },
{ "range", typeof(RangeRouteConstraint) },

// Regex-based constraints
{ "alpha", typeof(AlphaRouteConstraint) },
{ "regex", typeof(RegexRouteConstraint) }


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