对于我正在开发的应用程序,我需要允许用户通过我们的网站上传非常大的文件——也就是说,可能有很多GB.不幸的是,ASP.NET MVC似乎在开始服务之前将整个请求加载到RAM中——这对于这样的应用程序来说并不理想.值得注意的是,试图通过以下代码规避该问题:

if (request.Method == "POST")
    request.ContentLength = clientRequest.InputStream.Length;
    var rgbBody = new byte[32768];

    using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
        int cbRead;
        while ((cbRead = clientRequest.InputStream.Read(rgbBody, 0, rgbBody.Length)) > 0)
            fileStream.Write(rgbBody, 0, cbRead);




request.ContentLength = clientRequest.InputStream.Length;

request.ContentLength = clientRequest.ContentLength;

The former streams in the entire request 至 determine the content length; the latter merely checks the Content-Length header, which only requires that the headers have been sent in full. This allows IIS 至 begin streaming the request almost immediately, which completely eliminates the original problem.


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