我想组合两个观察量,取每一个的最新值(combineLatest),并根据哪个是最新emits 的观察量应用不同的函数.大概是这样的:

public obs1: BehaviorSubject<int> = ...;
public obs2: Observable<string> = ...;


this.desiredObservable = combineLatest([this.obs1, this.obs2],
  (myInt, myString) => {
    if (this.obs1 was the latest to emit) {
        return func1(myInt, myString);
    }  else {
        return func2(myInt, myString);

我找到了this possible solution个,但我想知道有没有更简单的方法.


timestamp operator是实现这一目标的最佳 Select :

import { combineLatest, timer, timestamp } from 'rxjs';

const obs1$ = timer(0, 100).pipe(timestamp());
const obs2$ = timer(0, 10).pipe(timestamp());

const obs$ = combineLatest([obs1$, obs2$], (ts1, ts2) => {
  if (ts1.timestamp > ts2.timestamp) {
    ts1.value; // obs1$ is more recent
  } else {
    ts2.value; // obs2$ is more recent



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