When I run :

ng v

I get the version in the screenshot. Where does "Angular: 13.3.8" come from and how can I revert it to 13.3.7 ?

Also, where do the Packages come from in this screenshot? They differ from my packages.json

enter image description here

I checked the install and I only see 13.3.5 for @angular/cli

enter image description here


Everything in the version report are global versions, except for the Angular version.

For windows the global files are located in: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular\ They are usually installed using the global flag -g

e.g.: npm install -g @angular/cli

The angular version is only filled in if you run ng v inside a project.

If you open your lock-file (package-lock.json / yarn.lock / ... depending on your package manager), you will notice you will have version 13.3.8 in there.

In the package.json you will probably find something like ^13.3.5 remove the ^ if you want that specific version for some reason. Then just run install again with your package manager:

npm install


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