stack overflow

	if (code != work)

stack overflow

So here we are again ... all together

overflow stack

Ah yes, of course

stack overflow

this is the best platform EVER, if you make an acount you golden

stack overflow

bro i got banned from stackoverflow

stack overflow

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {
        this.state = {
            limits: {
                min: 1,
                max: 100,
            value: 50,


    componentDidMount() {
        this.input.value = this.cutValue(this.input.value);

    getPositionCenterRunnerX () {
        let positionEvent = this.event.pageX - this.rangeElem.offsetLeft;
        let newPositionEvent = positionEvent < 0 ? 0 : positionEvent;

        return positionEvent > this.rangeElem.offsetWidth ? this.rangeElem.offsetWidth : newPositionEvent;

    getLeft () {

        let halfRunner = this.runner.offsetWidth / 2;
        let left = this.event.pageX - this.rangeElem.offsetLeft - halfRunner;

        let max = this.rangeElem.offsetWidth - halfRunner;
        let newLeft = left < -halfRunner ? -halfRunner : left;

        return left > max ? max : newLeft;

    getValue() {
        return Math.round(this.getPositionCenterRunnerX() / this.rangeElem.offsetWidth * (this.state.limits.max - this.state.limits.min) + this.state.limits.min);

    setPositionRunner () {
        let halfRunner = this.runner.offsetWidth / 2;
        let positionCenter = Math.round((this.cutValue(this.state.value) - this.state.limits.min) / (this.state.limits.max - this.state.limits.min) * this.rangeElem.offsetWidth);
        let left = positionCenter - halfRunner; = `${left}px`;

    moveRunner (event) {
        this.event = event; = `${this.getLeft()}px`;

        let value = this.getValue();


    onClick (event) {

        document.onmousemove = (event) => {

        document.onmouseup = () => {document.onmousemove = null;}

    cutValue(value) {
        value = value > this.state.limits.max ? this.state.limits.max : value;
        value = value < this.state.limits.min ? this.state.limits.min : value;
        return value;

    onChangeInput (event) {
        let value = event.currentTarget.value.match(/\d*/g).join('');


        this.timeOut = setTimeout(() => {
            value = this.cutValue(value);

        }, 1000);


    render () {

        return (
            <div className="slider">
                    ref={element => this.rangeElem = element}
                    onClick={event => {this.onClick (event)}}
                    <div className="slider__runner" ref={element => this.runner = element} />
                <div className="slider__view">
                    <p className="slider__limit">от {this.state.limits.min}</p>
                        ref={element => this.input = element}
                    <p className="slider__limit">до {this.state.limits.max}</p>


stack overflow

Time to copy and paste!

stack overflow

Stack Overflow is a question, and
answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers.

stack overflow

Good luck getting your question answered :D

stack overflow

Site That Solves Your All Problems

stack overflow

Welcome to our savior

stackover flow

 Ctrl + c 
 Ctrl + v

what is stack overflow

if stackoverflow = "Wonderland":
  print ("Stackoverflow is the place to go")

stack over flow

from PIL import Image
user_path = "/Users/" + getpass.getuser())
for folder, sub_folders, files in os.walk(user_path):
    for f in files:
        if FileName == f:
            print("file found", os.path.join(folder,f))

stack overflow

    def __init__(self,my_list= None, levels = None):
        if my_list is None:
            my_list= []
        self.my_list= my_list
        if levels is None:
            levels = []
        self.levels = levels 

    def __init__(self,my_dict= None, levels = None):
        if my_dictis None:
            my_dict= {}
            for lvl in levels:
                my_dict[lvl] = []
        self.my_dict = my_dict
        if levels is None:
            levels = []
        self.levels = levels 

    def __init__(self,my_attribute):
        self.my_attribute = my_attribute

stack overflow

Everyone love Stack Overflow

stack overflow

concat('<a target="_new" href=%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course
,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) AS Teacher
FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid =
JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid
WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = LIMIT 1) AS Teacher
,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/resource/view.php?id=',,'">',,'</a>') AS Resource
FROM prefix_resource AS r
JOIN prefix_course AS c ON r.course =
WHERE r.reference LIKE ''	

stack overflow

.box {
  border: 1px solid #500;
.block-div-margin {
  margin: 10px 0;
  display: block;
  /*default div state*/
.inline-block-div-margin {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 10px 0;
.my-div {
  padding: 20px;
  background: #EAEAEA;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
.my-other-div {
  background: #D3E1E1;
  padding: 0 20px 20px 20px;
.my-other-div-content {
  margin-top: 20px;
.my-div-inline-block {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100%;
  box-sizing: border-box;

stack overflow

<h2>Example 1</h2>
<div class="container">
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, nobis.</div>
  <div class="block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque, delectus!</div>
  <div class="block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur, quasi.</div>
  <div class="block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro, id!</div>

<div class="container">
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, nobis.</div>
  <div class="inline-block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque, delectus!</div>
  <div class="inline-block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur, quasi.</div>
  <div class="inline-block-div-margin"></div>
  <div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro, id!</div>

<h2>Example 2</h2>
<h3>This is more common issue that I see ever</h3>
<div class="my-div">
  This is my-div content
<div class="my-other-div">
  <div class="my-other-div-content">
    This is my-other-div-content

<h3>With div inline-block</h3>
<div class="my-div">
  This is my-div content
<div class="my-other-div my-div-inline-block">
  <div class="my-other-div-content">
    This is my-other-div-content
 Run code snippet

stack overflow

window.onload = function(){
    //We use window.onload to check the window has loaded so we can target DOM elements
    var namesArray = ["lars", "bo", "ib", "peter", "jan", "frederik"];
    var list =>"<li>"+name+"</li>");
    var listAsStr ="<ul>" + list.join("") + "<ul>";
    document.getElementById("list").innerHTML = listAsStr;

stack overflow

The dev's bible

stack overflow

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {
        this.state = {
            limits: {
                min: 1,
                max: 100,
            value: 50,


    componentDidMount() {
        this.input.value = this.cutValue(this.input.value);

    getPositionCenterRunnerX () {
        let positionEvent = this.event.pageX - this.rangeElem.offsetLeft;
        let newPositionEvent = positionEvent < 0 ? 0 : positionEvent;

        return positionEvent > this.rangeElem.offsetWidth ? this.rangeElem.offsetWidth : newPositionEvent;

    getLeft () {

        let halfRunner = this.runner.offsetWidth / 2;
        let left = this.event.pageX - this.rangeElem.offsetLeft - halfRunner;

        let max = this.rangeElem.offsetWidth - halfRunner;
        let newLeft = left < -halfRunner ? -halfRunner : left;

        return left > max ? max : newLeft;

    getValue() {
        return Math.round(this.getPositionCenterRunnerX() / this.rangeElem.offsetWidth * (this.state.limits.max - this.state.limits.min) + this.state.limits.min);

    setPositionRunner () {
        let halfRunner = this.runner.offsetWidth / 2;
        let positionCenter = Math.round((this.cutValue(this.state.value) - this.state.limits.min) / (this.state.limits.max - this.state.limits.min) * this.rangeElem.offsetWidth);
        let left = positionCenter - halfRunner; = `${left}px`;

    moveRunner (event) {
        this.event = event; = `${this.getLeft()}px`;

        let value = this.getValue();


    onClick (event) {

        document.onmousemove = (event) => {

        document.onmouseup = () => {document.onmousemove = null;}

    cutValue(value) {
        value = value > this.state.limits.max ? this.state.limits.max : value;
        value = value < this.state.limits.min ? this.state.limits.min : value;
        return value;

    onChangeInput (event) {
        let value = event.currentTarget.value.match(/\d*/g).join('');


        this.timeOut = setTimeout(() => {
            value = this.cutValue(value);

        }, 1000);


    render () {

        return (
            <div className="slider">
                    ref={element => this.rangeElem = element}
                    onClick={event => {this.onClick (event)}}
                    <div className="slider__runner" ref={element => this.runner = element} />
                <div className="slider__view">
                    <p className="slider__limit">от {this.state.limits.min}</p>
                        ref={element => this.input = element}
                    <p className="slider__limit">до {this.state.limits.max}</p>


stack overflow

window.onload = function(){
    //We use window.onload to check the window has loaded so we can target DOM elements
    var namesArray = ["lars", "bo", "ib", "peter", "jan", "frederik"];
    var list =>"<li>"+name+"</li>");
    var listAsStr ="<ul>" + list.join("") + "<ul>";
    document.getElementById("list").innerHTML = listAsStr;

stack overflow

npm install typescript

stack overflow

export default {
  head() {
    return {
      script: [
          supercoolattribute: 'supercool',

stack overflow

Welcome traveler, may you find what you seek!

stack overflow

Of course your here

stack overflow

Ah, I see that your code doesn't work. Welcome, Pal.

stack overflow

Ctrl C + Ctrl V

stack overflow

You are the people that go to the stackoverflow homepage

stack overflow

I see you are doing well....keep going, I hope you solve your problem

stackover flow

const [columns, setColumns] = useState({
        id: true,
        name: true,
        department: true,
        price: true,
        currency: true,

stack overflow

concat('<a target="_new" href=%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course
,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) AS Teacher
FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid =
JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid
WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = LIMIT 1) AS Teacher
,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/resource/view.php?id=',,'">',,'</a>') AS Resource
FROM prefix_resource AS r
JOIN prefix_course AS c ON r.course =
WHERE r.reference LIKE ''	

stack overflow

void Main()
    var s = new StringBuilder();
    var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
    using (var reader = new StringReader(s.ToString()))
    using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, config))

private class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string RawRow { get; set; }

private class FooMap : ClassMap<Foo>
    public FooMap()
        Map(m => m.Id);
        Map(m => m.Name);
        Map(m => m.RawRow).Convert(args => args.Row.Parser.RawRecord);

stack overflow

If you don't know this website, I'm truly sorry for you.

stack overflow

Its fuk

stack overflow

one of the 50 most popular websites in the world.
serves 100 million people every month,
knowledge management and collaboration offering 
Founded in 2008, Stack Overflow’s public platform 
is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, 
share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers.

stack overflow

a stack overflow occurs if the call stack pointer exceeds the stack bound. 
The call stack may consist of a limited amount of address space, 
often determined at the start of the program.

Stack Overflow

Makes me go YES

stack overflow

        with open('ID.txt') as f:
        for line in f:
            driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(@id,'%s')]" % str(line))
            driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(@id,'%s')]" % str(line)).click()
            if 'str' in line:

stack overflow

<div index="0" aria-busy="false" aria-checked="false" aria-disabled="false" data-head="true" aria-label="09251561001.09251561001.1.31873860875, folder" aria-selected="false" class="option grid-row" role="option" id=":DOMLT_ELISYS:export:09251561001.09251561001.1.31873860875"><div class="name-data icon folder" id="id1027"><div class="progressbar" role="progressbar" aria-hidden="true" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div class="fill" role="presentation" style="width: 0%;"></div><div class="fill" role="presentation" style="width: 0%;"></div></div><a class="name-text" href="#"><span>09251561001.09251561001.1.31873860875</span></a></div><div id="cellId1028" class="date-data"></div><div id="cellId1029" class="size-data"></div></div>

stack overflow

"[class='sqdOP  L3NKy   y3zKF     ']"

stack overflow

Sub to code with maaz on yt
i need to get 100 subs 
i have 20 subs

stack overflow

# How to GZIP
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Stack Overflow

Your only friend in programming

stack overflow

public class EntryTerminalServiceImpl implements EntryTerminalService {

    private final EntryTerminalRepository entryTerminalRepository;

    public EntryTerminalServiceImpl(EntryTerminalRepository entryTerminalRepository) {
        this.entryTerminalRepository = entryTerminalRepository;

    public Page<EntryTerminal> getEntryTerminalEventsLog(Pageable pageable) {
        return entryTerminalRepository.findAllByOrderByIdDesc(pageable);

    public void saveEntryTerminalEventToLog(EntryTerminal entryTerminal) {;


stack overflow

players = [player for player in input_dict]
prices = {player: input_dict[player]['price'] for player in players}
player_teams = {player: input_dict[player]['team'] for player in players}
player_positions = {player: input_dict[player]['position'] for player in players}
points = {player: input_dict[player]['expected_points'] for player in players}
league_teams = list(set(team for team in player_teams.values()))

prob = LpProblem('Fantasy_team', LpMaximize)
player_var = LpVariable.dicts('Players', players, 0, 1, cat='Integer')

# maximize points
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] * points[player] for player in players])
# number of players to be selected
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players]) == 11 
# max budget
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] * prices[player] for player in players]) <= 100
# position constraints
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'goalkeeper']) == 1
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'defender']) >= 2
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'defender']) <= 5
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'midfielder']) >= 2
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'midfielder']) <= 5
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'forward']) >= 0
prob += lpSum([player_var[player] for player in players if player_positions[player] == 'forward']) <= 3

# max players from one team

for league_team in league_teams:
    team_players = []
    for player, lp_var in player_var.items():
        if player_teams[player] == league_team:
    prob += lpSum(team_players) <= 3

stack overflow

Gives me the ability to do my job. <3

stack overflow

yeah this is awesome . lol follow me on insta - kiritocode1

stack overflow

Where developers learn

stack overflow

 stop cheating :)

stack overflow

come on, stack overflow, rlly? just think about it for a minute first :)

stack over flow

stack overflow

if (code != work){

stack overflow

model.levels = Set(initialize = self.levels)
model.my_list= Set(initialize = self.my_list)

stack overflow

    const [cours, setCours] = useState([]);
    const [description, setDescription] = useState("")
    const [title, setTitle] = useState("")
    const coursHandle = (e) => { setCours([]) }

    const onsubmit = async (e) => {

        const formData = new FormData();
        formData.append("description", description);
        formData.append("title", title);
        // cours.forEach((elem) => { formData.append("cours", elem) });
        formData.append("cours", cours)
        // for (let i = 0; i < cours.length; i++) {
        //     formData.append("cours", cours[i])
        // }
        await"http://localhost:5000/upload", formData)
            .then((res) => console.log("successfully file post", res))
            .catch((err) => console.log("error with file post", err))


stackpanel opacity mask from resources wpf

how to code

c# array isn't working

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stack over flow

prime number algorithm



rigidbody velocity

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null objects


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Function delegate

next permutation



Delegates in UntiyC#


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tee into file

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how long dose it take for formate a currupt USB?

team fortress

card caption

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ASP.MVC display image from SqlServer

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Boolean Literals

Working with null values

samsung sam

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ip address

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