// a simple macro two say hello world
macro_rules! hello {
    ($name: expr) => {
        println!("Hello, {}", $name)

// now get two numbers added
macro_rules! add {
    ($a: expr, $b: expr) => {
        $a + $b

// create a function

macro_rules! create_fn {
    ($name: ident) => {
        fn $name() {
            println!("Called {:?}()", stringify!($name));

// just take something from there examples
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/macros/overload.html
macro_rules! test {
    ($left:expr; and $right:expr) => {
            "{:?} and {:?} is {:?}",
            $left && $right

// repeatative expressions
macro_rules! find_min {
    // so cool that it pattern matches automatically
    ($x: expr) => ($x);
    // I need to understand what it's doing in here bro
    ($x: expr, $($y: expr),+) => {
        std::cmp::min($x, find_min!($($y),+))

// here is the most useful one
// something that can generate code for anything, in my case struct
macro_rules! generate_get_fun {
    ($strct_name:ident { $($field_name:ident : $field_type: ty),+ }) => {
            fn $field_name(&self) -> $field_type {

// I just want to generate simple thing
macro_rules! single {
    ($strct_name:ident { $field_name:ident : $field_type: ty }) => {
        // here we go with paste
        paste::item! {
            pub fn [< get_ $field_name >] (&self) -> $field_type {

pub struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: i32,

impl Person {
    generate_get_fun!(Person {
        name: String,
        age: i32

pub struct Object {
    size: i32,

impl Object {
    single!(Object { size: i32 });


fn main() {
    // let's have some simple ones
    println!("{} + {} = {}", 10, 20, add!(10, 20));
    // I really liked how it worked in here,
    // just so amazing I can't wait more to see what else can I do with a macro

    // let's implement something more complex
    // I liked this one too, good going
    test!(true; and false);

    // find minimum number
    // and it works
    println!("{}", find_min!(3, 1, 5, 3, 2));

    // will check a few later
    // https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/macros/dry.html
    let person = Person {
        name: "Himansh".to_string(),
        age: 20,

    let name = person.name();
    let age = person.age();

    let object = Object { size: 3 };

    let size = object.get_size();
}macro_rules! say_hello_to {
    ($name:expr) => {
        concat!("Hello, ", $name, "!")

fn main() {
    println!("{}", say_hello_to!("Alice"));
// example of vec![1, 2, 3] macro
macro_rules! vec {
    ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
            let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();


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rust int types

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rust permutations

rust match guard enum variant

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println! before user input not printing

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Rust Listen on unused port TCP/IP

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length of array in rust

check length in rust

valence system ecs rust

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rust enum with value

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match and store variable in rust

rust env_logger default level

rust create array with x entries

rust random bytes < 32

rust random bytes > 32

Rust Download windows

rust vector with capacity

read from console rust

rust vector join

rust implement partialeq

rust cmp ordering match

rust dev dependencies

rust parse i32


do while rust

rust to ascii code

rust chars lowercase

divide a string rust index

bevy optional resource

add function to struct rust

rust sort iterator

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