Here we present the simplest routing with little automation 
and easy extensibility for all projects tipes.
you can grab full example on my git hub
feel free to use it or improve it 

// this file Routing.php

class Routing{
 private array $pages = array();

  	// saving parameters for redirection 
    public function addRout($url, $path)
        $this->pages[$url] = $path;

  // doing good :) maybee
   public function route($url)
        $fileDir = $this->pages[$url];
		// if route path empty
        if (empty($fileDir)) {
            require 'public/404.php';
     	// if file exist 
        if (file_exists($fileDir)) {
          // view this page
            require $fileDir;
        } else {
          // if route not empty but file not exist
            require 'public/404.php';
  // getting request parameters POST, GET no matter
  public function getUrl(): string
    $arr = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $url = $val = '';
    if (empty($arr)) {
      // if addres contains two slashes like /home/ 
      // this scenario prevent going to folder with same name
        $url = (count_chars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1)[47] > 1) ?
            rtrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    } else {
      // if request not contains two slashes 
      // or contains some data or anything alse
        $url = (count_chars($arr[0], 1)[47] > 1) ?
            rtrim($arr[0], '/') : $arr[0];
      // optional variable contains parameters sended in request 
      // NOTICE!!! check if exist in $arr[1] before use it
      // this val can be used only on index.php!!!
      // most time this value isn't need at ol
      // $vall = $arr[1];
    return $url;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// this file index.php

// require to use class Routing
require 'Routing.php';

// creating new instance of Routing class
$r = new Routing();

$r->addRout('/', 'views/login.php');
// set the url to route like this
$r->addRout('/home', 'views/home.php');
// exampe about page etc...
$r->addRout('/about', 'views/about/about.php');
// Here you can add any number of pages and transitions...

// getting url POST, GET no matter
$url = $r->getUrl();
// call the routing function once to view page source

// you can minify this call to 
// $r->route($r->getUrl() ?? '/')
// ==================================================== // 
The structure of the project folders and following the MVC patterns 
are not important, this example is expandable for any structural solutions, 
the example shows a partial implementation of the MVC pattern. 
The main condition for the functionality of the example is 
a single entry point into the project index.php, 
configured for nginx in the server settings, 
for Apache in the .htaccess file.

$_GET[] with some parameters:
When requests are displayed in the address bar and the parameters 
are displayed there, the parameters are used as in a regular get request, 
below is an example of accessing the about us page through <a> button 
indicating the values

on your page :
 - press tis button you go to about page
<a href="/about">About Us</a>

 - press this button about page hase be open in new tab 
<a href="/about" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" >About Us</a>

Get request in file .php
// do some actions

 - for request from form the action need to be empty if your request going
 - to self page scripts
<form action="" method="get">
// some inputs...

 - else if your request go to another page 
<form action="/about" method="get">
// some inputs...

the same actions fo form when method equal POST 
$_POST[] with some parameters:

When submitting a form using the post method on the page with the form, 
leave the ACTION="" attribute in the form need to be empty!!
When sending a form to another page with a transition to this page, 
enter the route for this page in the action attribute of the form

<form action="/" method="post">
// here we goin to Login.php
// some inputs...

 - receiving data from a post request in a login.php script file:
 // do some actions
 // redirection to needed page after some actions
 header("Location: /home");


$request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

switch ($request) {
    case '/' :
        require __DIR__ . '/views/index.php';
    case '' :
        require __DIR__ . '/views/index.php';
    case '/about' :
        require __DIR__ . '/views/about.php';
        require __DIR__ . '/views/404.php';


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