- Adds global behavior to the application
- Re-usable block of code that can be injected into the application during runtime
- Leverages AspectJ
- Byte code modification (Runtime interweaving)
- Dynamic proxy-based
- Common applications
    - logging and tracing
    - Transaction management
    - Caching
    - Security
- Parts of Spring Aspect
    - Join Point : 
        - Represents these specific points in the execution of a program where advice can be applied.
        - Business logic where aspect can be applied 
        - You apply the aspect here
    - Pointcut : 
        - Specifies certain conditions or criteria that define when certain pieces of code (advice) should be executed.
        - Select the joinpoint for the cross-cutting concern 
        - This is the trigger of aspect 
        - signature: `designator("returntype packageName.className.methodName(argument)" )`
        - common designators : 
            - `execution` (expression for matching method execution), 
            - `within` (expression for matching within certain type), 
            - `target` (expression for matching specific type), 
            - `@annotation` (expression for matching specific annotation)
    - Advice : 
        - Represents the actual code or instructions that need to be executed when the conditions specified by the pointcut are met.
        - The code that is applied to the join point when it is selected by the pointcut (cross-cutting concern )
        - This is the aspected behavior itself
package com.xyz.someapp;

import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;

public class SystemArchitecture {

   * A join point is in the web layer if the method is defined
   * in a type in the com.xyz.someapp.web package or any sub-package
   * under that.
  public void inWebLayer() {}

   * A join point is in the service layer if the method is defined
   * in a type in the com.xyz.someapp.service package or any sub-package
   * under that.
  public void inServiceLayer() {}

   * A join point is in the data access layer if the method is defined
   * in a type in the com.xyz.someapp.dao package or any sub-package
   * under that.
  public void inDataAccessLayer() {}

   * A business service is the execution of any method defined on a service
   * interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
   * "service" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
   * If you group service interfaces by functional area (for example, 
   * in packages com.xyz.someapp.abc.service and com.xyz.def.service) then
   * the pointcut expression "execution(* com.xyz.someapp..service.*.*(..))"
   * could be used instead.
   * Alternatively, you can write the expression using the 'bean'
   * PCD, like so "bean(*Service)". (This assumes that you have
   * named your Spring service beans in a consistent fashion.)
  @Pointcut("execution(* com.xyz.someapp.service.*.*(..))")
  public void businessService() {}
   * A data access operation is the execution of any method defined on a 
   * dao interface. This definition assumes that interfaces are placed in the
   * "dao" package, and that implementation types are in sub-packages.
  @Pointcut("execution(* com.xyz.someapp.dao.*.*(..))")
  public void dataAccessOperation() {}



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