pagination in grails
def criteria = Person.createCriteria()
def result = criteria.list {
    eq ('firstName', 'John')
    order('lastName', 'asc')


groovy json stringify

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groovy function

Native Groovy GET and POST

gradle custom groovy plugin

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groovy script console output

Add floating point Groovy

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groovy execute command

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groovy to int

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marshaller in grails

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loadonce in jqgrid

redirect in grails

projections in grails

criteria in grails

gorm in grails

relationship in grails

pagination in grails

groovy date + 1 day

new date groovy

groovy simple string template

relational in grails

jsr223 postprocessor prev success

uwsgi command for defectdojo

array in groovy

groovy to string

for loop groovy

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spring gradle plugin publishing