C 标准库 stdarg.h详解


va_copy():it makes a copy of your va_list variable in the exact same state. va_copy() can be useful if you need to scan ahead through the arguments but need to also remember your current place.


  • vprintf()
  • vfprintf()
  • vsprintf()
  • vsnprintf()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int my_printf(int serial, const char *format, ...)
    va_list va;

    // Do my custom work
    printf("The serial number is: %d\n", serial);

    // Then pass the rest off to vprintf()
    va_start(va, format);
    int rv = vprintf(format, va);

    return rv;

int main(void)
    int x = 10;
    float y = 3.2;

    my_printf(3490, "x is %d, y is %f\n", x, y);



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