我正在为一个对象存储开发一个API,我正在努力找到一种在Rust中实现它的方法.这有点令人沮丧,因为我对如何在C++中实现这一点有一个很好的 idea ,所以可能这个设计从根本上不适合Rust ,但我希望这里的人们能够提供一些有用的见解.


// This is clone & copy
struct Id<Identifiable> {
  // What I think would be needed to get this entire system 
  // to work, but it is not fixed like this so alternate 
  // ideas are welcome.
  raw_id: usize,
  _marker: PhantomData<Identifiable>,

struct Store {
  // ... don't know how to implement this

trait Object {
  // ... some behavior

struct ObjectA {}
impl Object for ObjectA {}

struct ObjectB {}
impl Object for ObjectB {}

impl Store {
  pub fn create_object_a(&mut self) -> Id<ObjectA> { todo!() }
  pub fn create_object_b(&mut self) -> Id<ObjectB> { todo!() }

  pub fn get<'a, Obj: Object(&self, id: Id<Obj>) -> &'a Obj { todo!() }


let store = Store::new();
let handle_a = store.create_object_a();
let handle_b = store.create_object_b();

let obj_a = store.get(handle_a); // obj_a is of type &ObjectA
let obj_b = store.get(handle_b); // obj_b is of type &ObjectB

由于可以放入存储区的具体类型是静态已知的(只有通过create_something()方法构建时,它们才能在存储区中),我觉得类型系统中应该有足够的信息来实现这一点.我最想避免的一件事是Vec<Box<dyn Any>>,因为它引入了额外的间接性.

我意识到这在安全防 rust 中是不可能的,尽管我觉得使用不安全防 rust 应该是可能的.我的 idea 是,它在某种程度上类似于Bevy ECS实现存储组件的方式(相同类型的组件连续存储在内存中,我也想在这里看到这一特性),尽管我很难确切地理解它是如何工作的.

希望有人对如何实现这一点有 idea ,或者有一个更好的替代设计.非常感谢.



trait StoreGet<T> {
    fn raw_storage(store: &Store) -> &[T];

trait Object: Sized {
    type StoreGet: StoreGet<Self>;
    // more behavior


// Your store type:
struct Store {
    a_store: Vec<ObjectA>,
    b_store: Vec<ObjectB>,

// A type that knows how to retrieve `&[ObjectA]` and `&[ObjectB]`
// from Store:
struct ObjectStoreGet;
impl StoreGet<ObjectA> for ObjectStoreGet {
    fn raw_storage(store: &Store) -> &[ObjectA] {
impl StoreGet<ObjectB> for ObjectStoreGet {
    fn raw_storage(store: &Store) -> &[ObjectB] {

// ObjectA and ObjectB name that type as StoreGet:
struct ObjectA {}
impl Object for ObjectA {
    type StoreGet = ObjectStoreGet;

struct ObjectB {}
impl Object for ObjectB {
    type StoreGet = ObjectStoreGet;

最后,store 实现如下所示:

impl Store {
    pub fn create_object_a(&mut self) -> Id<ObjectA> {
        let raw_id = self.a_store.len();
        self.a_store.push(ObjectA {});
        Id {
            _marker: PhantomData,
    pub fn create_object_b(&mut self) -> Id<ObjectB> {
        // ... much the same as create_object_a ...

    pub fn get<Obj: Object>(&self, id: Id<Obj>) -> &Obj {


请注意,您应该查看an arena crate,而不是使用自己的Id+Vec(尽管如果您自己实现它,这并不是一个悲剧——重用它只是一个好主意).


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