如何正确调整UICollectionView的大小,使其完全显示其内容?我try 了很多方法,包括设置框架、调用reloadData和使布局无效:

self.collectionView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(300, 2000);
self.collectionView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 2000);
[self.collectionView reloadData];
[self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout invalidateLayout];



我有一个小的演示程序,其中有一个生成100个元素的数据源.在Interface Builder中,我最初将UICollectionView的大小设置为一个较小的值,以便不是所有元素都适合,然后按下一个按钮,然后执行上面的代码.我希望UICollectionView现在能显示所有元素,但事实并非如此.

EDIT: The demo program can be found at https://github.com/mjdemilliano/TestUICollectionView.

EDIT2: I have observed that the frame update is lost at some point, because if I press the button again, the current frame is back to the old value. After adding some log statements in the button event handler, the log output is:

before: frame = {{0, 58}, {320, 331}}, contentSize = {320, 1190}
update button pressed
after: frame = {{0, 0}, {300, 2000}}, contentSize = {300, 2000}
before: frame = {{0, 58}, {320, 331}}, contentSize = {320, 1190}
update button pressed
after: frame = {{0, 0}, {300, 2000}}, contentSize = {300, 2000}

I don't understand why the frame change is not kept, what is changing it.





self.verticalLayoutConstraint.constant = self.collectionView.contentSize.height;


To me, doing this by updating the constraint manually instead of being able to tell iOS: "make the frame height of the collection view as large as needed" does not feel right to me, but it's the best I have come up with so far. Please post a better answer if you have one.


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