I have react+next and node js project and I want to deploy that project at heroku. That is the structure of my project:- enter image description here

and my package.json file is enter image description here if I add "Start": "next start" only the frontend works and if I changed it "Start": "tsc -p server/tsconfig.json -watch && node server.js" it's gave me the error.

error is :-enter image description here


Heroku安装了package.json中列出的dependenciesdevDependencies之后,在运行npm start命令之前,所有devDependencies都会被删除.因此,如果您在devDependencies下安装了typescript,并且您的项目在运行时需要它,那么将找不到它.为了防止修剪,将typescript移到dependencies.


$ heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false YARN_PRODUCTION=false




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