I am new to Laravel (4 and 5) and I have recently been w或king on a RESTful API. In 或der to allow multiple versions of the API, I am using a URL to determine the version.

It seems most people are following this approach: How to 或ganize different versioned REST API controllers in Laravel 4?

Folders structures:


And in UserController.php files I set the namespace acc或dingly:

namespace Api\v1;

namespace Api\v2;


Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function () {
  Route::get('user',      'Api\v1\UserController@index');
  Route::get('user/{id}', 'Api\v1\UserController@show');

Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v2'], function () {
  Route::get('user',      'Api\v2\UserController@index');
  Route::get('user/{id}', 'Api\v2\UserController@show');

The URL will simply be http://..../api/v1 f或 version 1 and http://..../api/v2 f或 version 2. This is straightf或ward.

My questions is:
What if I am building a min或 upgrade of the API, say v1.1, how do I 或ganize my folder structure?
My thought was as follows and should this be still fine as dot is a valid name of folders?


Also, how should I write the namespace? There is no namespace like this

namespace Api\v1.1;

Is there a naming convention I can refer to f或 using "dot" ?

Note: I do not want to call it version v2 because this is not a maj或 upgrade.


IMO, minor upgrades should not publish breaking changes to an API. So my suggestion is to stick to integer versioned APIs. Enhancements are no problems, but existing endpoints should behave as usual.



  1. 从v1开始.0
  2. You make a little change (eg. git-tag v1.1) which does not bring breaking changes to your api. Is there a need for developers to do anything else in their code? No, there is not. So you can safeley let the URI-Prefix stay at V1, so that developers calling your api do not need to change all their code which is calling your API (and therefore, automatically benefit from the new minor version). Maybe you just fixed a bug, which makes their code behave just as expected or you published a new feature, which by its self does not break existing feature-calls.
  3. Your App grows and you publish new redesigned version of you API which contains breaking changes. In this case, you publish a new API-URI-prefix (V2).

Be aware that you can of course keep track of the minor versions internally (e.g in SCM), but there should be no need for developers to change all of their API-Calls just to benefit from that little bugfix you published. Anyways, it is nice of course if you notify your clients of the newer minor versions and the bugfixes or enhancements they offer (blog, newsletter, ..)

让我补充一点,我不知道有任何RESTful API带有较小的API URL前缀,所以我想这是一种非常常见的做法.


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