how does one write a hexadecimal integer literal that is equal to Int.MIN_VALUE (which is -2147483648 in decimal) in Kotlin?

AFAIK, an Int is 4 bytes...and sometimes it seems like 2's complement is used to represent integers...but I'm not sure. I've tried the following hex literals to help myself understand the system:

  • 0xFFFFFFFF但这是Long而不是Int
  • 0xFFFFFFFF.toInt() which is -1
  • -0xFFFFFFFF.toInt()等于1
  • 0x7FFFFFFF是2147483647是Int.MAX_VALUE
  • -0x7FFFFFFF which is -2147483647 which is Int.MIN_VALUE+1
  • 0xFFFFFFF which is 268435455 in decimal
  • 0x0FFFFFFF which is also 268435455 in decimal

But I can't figure out what hexadecimal integer literal can be used to represent Int.MIN_VALUE.



Int represents a 32-bit signed integer. 32 bits means 8 hex digits:

___7 F F F F F F F

0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

可以看到,最左边的位是0,因此这是32位表示中的正积分.根据2's complement的定义和示例,最小32位负值最左边的位是1,后面是0:

1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

___8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


In Kotlin you need to prepend the - sign to denote negative Int which is not true in Java. Consider following example

println(0x7FFFFFFF) // -> prints 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE)
println(-0x80000000) // -> prints -2147483648 (Integer.MIN_VALUE)
println(0x80000000) // -> prints 2147483648 (does not fit into Int)


System.out.println(0x7FFFFFFF); // -> prints 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE)
System.out.println(-0x80000000); // -> prints -2147483648 (Integer.MIN_VALUE)
System.out.println(0x80000000); // -> prints -2147483648 (Integer.MIN_VALUE)

This is in line with Kotlin spec although the overflow behavior of hexadecimal literals is yet to be defined.



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