我在Spring Boot中有一个RestController示例:

class MyRestController
    @GetMapping(path = "/hello")
    public JSONObject sayHello()
        return new JSONObject("{'aa':'bb'}");

I am using the JSON library org.json

当我点击API /hello时,我收到一个异常,说:

Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is JAVAlang.IllegalArgumentException:未找到要返回的转换器] with root cause


What is the issue? Can someone explain what exactly is happening?


当您使用Spring Boot web时,Jackson依赖关系是隐式的,我们不必显式定义.如果使用eclipse,可以在dependency hierarchy选项卡的pom.xml中判断Jackson依赖关系.

And as you have annotated with @RestController there is no need to do explicit json conversion. Just return a POJO and jackson serializer will take care of converting to json. It is equivalent to using @ResponseBody when used with @Controller. Rather than placing @ResponseBody on every controller method we place @RestController instead of vanilla @Controller and @ResponseBody by default is applied on all resources in that controller.
Refer this link: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-ann-responsebody

The problem you are facing is because the returned object(JSONObject) does not have getter for certain properties. And your intention is not to serialize this JSONObject but instead to serialize a POJO. So just return the POJO.
Refer this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35822500/5039001

If you want to return a json serialized string then just return the string. Spring will use StringHttpMessageConverter instead of JSON converter in this case.



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