我使用Knockout.js来绑定iframe src标签(这将是可配置的相对于用户).

Now, if user has configured http://www.google.com (I know it won't load in iframe, thats why I am using it for -ve scenario) and that has to be shown in IFrame. but it throws error:-

拒绝在帧中显示"http://www.google.co.in/",因为它 将‘X-Frame-Options’设置为‘SAMEORIGIN’.

I have the following code for Iframe:-

<iframe class="iframe" id="iframe" data-bind="attr: {src: externalAppUrl, height: iframeheight}">
    <p>Hi, This website does not supports IFrame</p>

What I want is, if the URL fails to load. I want to display Custom Message. Screenshot of console when I get error FIDDLE HERE


<iframe id="browse" style="width:100%;height:100%" onload="alert('Done')" onerror="alert('Failed')"></iframe>

它可以很好地加载w3School s.com,但不能与google.com配合使用.

Secondly:- if I make it as a function and try like I have done in my fiddle, it doesn't works.

<iframe id="browse" style="width:100%;height:100%" onload="load" onerror="error"></iframe>

I don't know how should I make it run and capture the error.

Edited:- I have seen Want to call a function if iframe doesn't load or load's question in stackoverflow but it shows error for sites that can be loaded in iframe.

此外,我还调查了Stackoverflow iframe on load event


由于浏览器设置了Same Origin Policy,因此无法从客户端执行此操作.除了iFrame的宽度和高度等基本属性外,您将无法从iFrame中获得更多信息.

Also, google sets in its response header an 'X-Frame-Options' of SAMEORIGIN.


因此,唯一的 Select 是从服务器发出请求,查看是否可以在IFrame中显示该站点.




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