在为一家更大的德国公司Future Technologies Group做一些咨询工作时,我已经将大约6000行Java服务器端软件移植到DART.这应该有助于回答是否可以在服务器上高效使用DART的问题.(这本身就为DART开了绿灯,因为人们一直在寻找一种语言用于客户端和服务器端编程的优势.)





import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:benchmark_harness/benchmark_harness.dart';

// Create a new benchmark by extending BenchmarkBase
class ConversionBenchmark extends BenchmarkBase {

  Uint8List result;

  ConversionBenchmark() : super("Conversion");

  // The benchmark code.
  void run() {
    const int BufSize = 262144; // 256kBytes
    const int SetSize = 64;     // one "typical" set of data, gets repeated
    ByteData buffer = new ByteData(BufSize);
    double doubleContent = 0.0; // used to simulate double content
    int intContent = 0;         // used to simulate int content
    int offset = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < buffer.lengthInBytes / SetSize; j++) {
      // The following represents some "typical" conversion mix:
      buffer.setFloat64(offset, doubleContent); offset += 8; doubleContent += 0.123;
      for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { // main use case
        buffer.setFloat32(offset, doubleContent); offset += 4; doubleContent += 0.123;
      buffer.setInt32(offset, intContent); offset += 4; intContent++;
      buffer.setInt32(offset, intContent); offset += 4; intContent++;
      buffer.setInt16(offset, intContent); offset += 2; intContent++;
      buffer.setInt16(offset, intContent); offset += 2; intContent++;
      buffer.setInt8(offset, intContent); offset += 1; intContent++;
      buffer.setInt8(offset, intContent); offset += 1; intContent++;
      buffer.buffer.asUint8List(offset).setAll(0, "AsciiStrng".codeUnits); offset += 10;
        // [ByteData] knows no other mechanism to transfer ASCII strings in
      assert((offset % SetSize) == 0); // ensure the example content fits [SetSize] bytes
    result = buffer.buffer.asUint8List(); // only this can be used for further processing

main() {
  new ConversionBenchmark().report();


package ylib.tools;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class ConversionBenchmark extends BenchmarkBase {

  public ByteBuffer result;

  public ConversionBenchmark() { super("Conversion"); }

  // The benchmark code.
  @Override protected void run() {
    final int BufSize = 262144; // 256kBytes
    final int SetSize = 64;     // one "typical" set of data, gets repeated
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BufSize);
    double doubleContent = 0.0; // used to simulate double content
    int intContent = 0;         // used to simulate int content
    for (int j = 0; j < (buffer.capacity() / SetSize); j++) {
      // The following represents some "typical" conversion mix:
      buffer.putDouble(doubleContent); doubleContent += 0.123;
      for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { // main use case
        buffer.putFloat((float)doubleContent); doubleContent += 0.123;
      buffer.putInt(intContent); intContent++;
      buffer.putInt(intContent); intContent++;
      buffer.putShort((short)intContent); intContent++;
      buffer.putShort((short)intContent); intContent++;
      buffer.put((byte)intContent); intContent++;
      buffer.put((byte)intContent); intContent++;
      //assert((buffer.position() % SetSize) == 0); // ensure the example content fits [SetSize] bytes
    buffer.flip(); // needed for further processing
    result = buffer; // to avoid the compiler optimizing away everything

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new ConversionBenchmark().report();

在我的英特尔Windows 7计算机上,Java代码的运行速度几乎正好是DART代码的10倍.两者都在各自的虚拟机上以生产模式运行.

代码中有没有明显的错误?或者是否有不同的DART类可用于执行此工作?有没有解释为什么DART在这些简单的转换中要慢得多?或者,我对DART VM性能的期望是完全错误的吗?


与直接类型化数组访问相比,字节数据方法(ByteData.setXYZByteData.getXYZ)在DART VM上的性能确实相当差.我们开始研究这个问题,初步结果令人振奋[1].


/// Writer wraps a fixed size Uint8List and writes values into it using
/// big-endian byte order.
class Writer {
  /// Output buffer.
  final Uint8List out;

  /// Current position within [out].
  var position = 0;


  factory Writer(size) {
    final out = new Uint8List(size);
    if (Endianness.HOST_ENDIAN == Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
      return new _WriterForLEHost._create(out);
    } else {
      return new _WriterForBEHost._create(out);

  writeFloat64(double v);


/// Lists used for data convertion (alias each other).
final Uint8List _convU8 = new Uint8List(8);
final Float32List _convF32 = new Float32List.view(_convU8.buffer);
final Float64List _convF64 = new Float64List.view(_convU8.buffer);

/// Writer used on little-endian host.
class _WriterForLEHost extends Writer {
  _WriterForLEHost._create(out) : super._create(out);

  writeFloat64(double v) {
    _convF64[0] = v;
    out[position + 7] = _convU8[0];
    out[position + 6] = _convU8[1];
    out[position + 5] = _convU8[2];
    out[position + 4] = _convU8[3];
    out[position + 3] = _convU8[4];
    out[position + 2] = _convU8[5];
    out[position + 1] = _convU8[6];
    out[position + 0] = _convU8[7];
    position += 8;


import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:benchmark_harness/benchmark_harness.dart';
import 'writer.dart';

class ConversionBenchmarkManual extends BenchmarkBase {

  Uint8List result;

  ConversionBenchmarkManual() : super("Conversion (MANUAL)");

  // The benchmark code.
  void run() {
    const int BufSize = 262144; // 256kBytes
    const int SetSize = 64;     // one "typical" set of data, gets repeated

    final w = new Writer(BufSize);

    double doubleContent = 0.0; // used to simulate double content
    int intContent = 0;         // used to simulate int content
    int offset = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < (BufSize / SetSize); j++) {
      // The following represents some "typical" conversion mix:
      w.writeFloat64(doubleContent); doubleContent += 0.123;
      for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { // main use case
        w.writeFloat32(doubleContent); doubleContent += 0.123;
      w.writeInt32(intContent); intContent++;
      w.writeInt32(intContent); intContent++;
      w.writeInt16(intContent); intContent++;
      w.writeInt16(intContent); intContent++;
      w.writeInt8(intContent);  intContent++;
      w.writeInt8(intContent);  intContent++;
      assert((offset % SetSize) == 0); // ensure the example content fits [SetSize] bytes
    result = w.out; // only this can be used for further processing





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