考虑this HTML example个(如下所示的最小示例):

<p><svg style="float: left" width="300" height="300"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="150" style="fill: red"
/></svg>First float here.</p>
<p><svg style="float: left; clear: left" width="300" height="300"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="150" style="fill: green"
/></svg>Second float here.</p>
<p><svg style="float: right" width="300" height="300"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="150" style="fill: blue"
/></svg>Third float here.</p>


  1. 左边的浮动(红色圆圈),

  2. 另一个左边的浮点(绿色圆圈),这个有clear: left的浮点确保它低于第一个浮点,

  3. 右浮动(蓝色圆圈).

desired effect用于使右侧浮点完全独立于左侧浮点,即右侧浮点位于其插入位置的右侧(假设线条足够长,可以同时存在左侧浮点和右侧浮点,否则位于左侧浮点下方).actual effect是将右浮点数推到第一个左浮点数的下方,因为第二个左浮点数上的clear: left指令也会将右浮点数向下推.

简而言之,左侧浮点数为clear: left也会影响右侧浮点数.

Two questions:

  • 在css规范中,这个行为是在哪里指定的?(右浮点没有设置任何clear属性,所以我不明白规范的哪个部分暗示它受到前一个左浮点的clear的影响.)我还对基本逻辑感兴趣:why我们希望右浮点受到左浮点上的clear: left个属性的影响吗?

  • 更重要的是,我如何才能产生想要的效果(没有任何Java脚本)?


To answer your first question:
The documentation specifies this:
9.5.1 5.The outer top of a floating box may not be higher than the outer top of any block or floated box generated by an element earlier in the source document.
This means the top of your Blue float can't be higher than the top of your Green float.

To answer your second question:
There are a few ways of achieving this without js by changing the html structure, but none I can think are exactly what you want. For example you could wrap the red and green floats inside the same container and make it float left. The blue float will be in the position you want. However, in very small screens the text won't wrap beteen the red and green floats like the are doing at they moment.



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