
ERROR: 'DEPRECATION: fit and fdescribe will cause your suite to report an 'incomplete' status in Jasmine 3.0'

我为Jasmine 3.0做了一个RTFM,但它没有提到任何关于弃用的内容:https://jasmine.github.io/api/3.0/global.html#fit


他们已经修复了我使用jasmine v3的警告.3.1我没有看到这样的信息.

enter image description here


//If you want to run few describe only add f so using focus those describe blocks and it's it block get run

  fdescribe("focus description i get run with all my it blocks ", function() {
    it("1 it in fdescribe get executed", function() {
        console.log("1 it in fdescribe get executed unless no fit within describe");

    it("2 it in fdescribe get executed", function() {
        console.log("2 it in fdescribe get executed unless no fit within describe");

    //but if you and fit in fdescribe block only the fit blocks get executed
    fit("3  only fit blocks in  fdescribe get executed", function() {
        console.log("If there is  a fit   in fdescribe only fit blocks  get executed");


  describe("none description i get skipped with all my it blocks ", function() {
        it("1 it in none describe get skipped", function() {
            console.log("1 it in none describe get skipped");

        it("2 it in none describe get skipped", function() {
            console.log("2 it in none describe get skipped");
//What happen if we had fit in a none fdescribe block will it get run ?   yes  
       fit("3 fit in none describe get executed too eventhough it;s just describe ", function() {
            console.log("3 fit in none describe get executed too");


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