我已经多次try 卸载Angular CLI以更新它,但即使我按照GitHub上提供的说明进行操作:

  • npm卸载-g@angle/cli
  • NPM缓存清理
  • npm安装-g@angular/cli@latest


 angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.26

 node: 7.7.1
 os: darwin x64



If you are facing issue with angular/cli then use the following commands:
npm uninstall -g angular-cli to uninstall the angular/cli.
npm cache clean to clean your npm cache from app data folder under your username.
use npm cache verify to verify your cache whether it is corrupted or not.
use npm cache verify --force to clean your entire cache from your system.

You can also delete by the following the paths
C:\Users\"Your_syste_User_name"\AppData\Roaming\npm and
Then use the following command to install latest angular/cli version globally in your system.
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
To get more information visit github angular-cli update.


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