


using System;

namespace Event_Example
    //First we have to define a delegate that acts as a signature for the
    //function that is ultimately called when the event is triggered.
    //You will notice that the second parameter is of MyEventArgs type.
    //This object will contain information about the triggered event.
    public delegate void MyEventHandler(object source, MyEventArgs e);

    //This is a class which describes the event to the class that recieves it.
    //An EventArgs class must always derive from System.EventArgs.
    public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs
        private string EventInfo;
        public MyEventArgs(string Text)
            EventInfo = Text;
        public string GetInfo()
            return EventInfo;

    //This next class is the one which contains an event and triggers it
    //once an action is performed. For example, lets trigger this event
    //once a variable is incremented over a particular value. Notice the
    //event uses the MyEventHandler delegate to create a signature
    //for the called function.
    public class MyClass
        public event MyEventHandler OnMaximum;
        private int i;
        private int Maximum = 10;
        public int MyValue
                return i;
                if(value <= Maximum)
                    i = value;
                    //To make sure we only trigger the event if a handler is present
                    //we check the event to make sure it's not null.
                    if(OnMaximum != null)
                        OnMaximum(this, new MyEventArgs("You've entered " +
                            value.ToString() +
                            ", but the maximum is " +

    class Program
        //This is the actual method that will be assigned to the event handler
        //within the above class. This is where we perform an action once the
        //event has been triggered.
        static void MaximumReached(object source, MyEventArgs e)

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Now lets test the event contained in the above class.
            MyClass MyObject = new MyClass();
            MyObject.OnMaximum += new MyEventHandler(MaximumReached);

            for(int x = 0; x <= 15; x++)
                MyObject.MyValue = x;




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