HTML - 颜色名称

HTML - 颜色名称 首页 / HTML入门教程 / HTML - 颜色名称

下表显示了HTML 3.2中引入的16种颜色名-

颜色名称 十六进制值 颜色
水色 #00ffff
黑色 #000000
蓝色 #0000ff
紫红色 #ff00ff
绿色 #008000
灰色 #808080
石灰 #00ff00
栗色 #800000
海军 #000080
橄榄 #808000
紫色 #800080
红色 #ff0000
银色 #c0c0c0
蓝绿色 #008080
白色 #ffffff
黄色 #ffff00


Color Name Hex Value Color
aliceblue #f0f8ff
antiquewhite #faebd7
aquamarine #7fffd4
azure #f0ffff
beige #f5f5dc
bisque #ffe4c4
blanchedalmond #ffebcd
blueviolet #8a2be2
brown #a52a2a
burlywood #deb887
cadetblue #5f9ea0
chartreuse #7fff00
chocolate #d2691e
coral #ff7f50
cornflowerblue #6495ed
cornsilk #fff8dc
crimson #dc143c
cyan #00ffff
darkblue #00008b
darkcyan #008b8b
darkgoldenrod #b8860b
darkgray #a9a9a9
darkgreen #006400
darkkhaki #bdb76b
darkmagenta #8b008b
darkolivegreen #556b2f
darkorange #ff8c00
darkorchid #9932cc
darkred #8b0000
darksalmon #e9967a
darkseagreen #8fbc8f
darkslateblue #483d8b
darkslategray #2f4f4f
darkturquoise #00ced1
darkviolet #9400d3
deeppink #ff1493
deepskyblue #00bfff
dimgray #696969
dodgerblue #1e90ff
firebrick #b22222
floralwhite #fffaf0
forestgreen #228b22
gainsboro #dcdcdc
ghostwhite #f8f8ff
gold #ffd700
goldenrod #daa520
gray #808080
greenyellow #adff2f
honeydew #f0fff0
hotpink #ff69b4
indianred #cd5c5c
indigo #4b0082
ivory #fffff0
khaki #f0e68c
lavender #e6e6fa
lavenderblush #fff0f5
lawngreen #7cfc00
lemonchiffon #fffacd
lightblue #add8e6
lightcoral #f08080
lightcyan #e0ffff
lightgoldenrodyellow #fafad2
lightgreen #90ee90
lightgrey #d3d3d3
lightpink #ffb6c1
lightsalmon #ffa07a
lightseagreen #20b2aa
lightskyblue #87cefa
lightslategray #778899
lightsteelblue #b0c4de
lightyellow #ffffe0
limegreen #32cd32
linen #faf0e6
magenta #ff00ff
mediumblue #0000cd
mediumorchid #ba55d3
mediumpurple #9370db
midnightblue #191970
mistyrose #ffe4e1
moccasin #ffe4b5
oldlace #fdf5e6
orange #ffa500
orchid #da70d6
peachpuff #ffdab9
peru #cd853f
pink #ffc0cb
plum #dda0dd
purple #800080
rosybrown #bc8f8f
royalblue #4169e1
salmon #fa8072
sandybrown #f4a460
seagreen #2e8b57
sienna #a0522d
skyblue #87ceeb
slateblue #6a5acd
steelblue #4682b4
tan #d2b48c
thistle #d8bfd8
tomato #ff6347
violet #ee82ee
wheat #f5deb3
whitesmoke #f5f5f5
yellow #ffff00
yellowgreen #9acd32




Symbol 描述 Entity Name Number Code
" quotation mark " "
' apostrophe  ' '
& ampersand & &
< less-than &lt; &#60;
> greater-than &gt; &#62;

如果您想编写<div id =“ character”>作为代码,那么您将必须编写如下内容:

<!DOCTYPE html>


      &lt;div id=&quot;character&quot;&gt;




HTML 4.0中还有一长串特殊字符。为了使它们出现在您的文档中,可以使用数字代码或实体名称。如,要插入版权符号,可以使用以下任一方式-

&copy; 2007
&#169; 2007

ISO 8859-1符号实体

Result 描述 Entity Name Number Code
  non-breaking space &nbsp; &#160;
¡ inverted exclamation mark &iexcl; &#161;
¤ currency &curren; &#164;
¢ cent &cent; &#162;
£ pound &pound; &#163;
¥ yen &yen; &#165;
¦ broken vertical bar &brvbar; &#166;
§ section &sect; &#167;
¨ spacing diaeresis &uml; &#168;
© copyright &copy; &#169;
ª feminine ordinal indicator &ordf; &#170;
« angle quotation mark (left) &laquo; &#171;
¬ negation &not; &#172;
­ soft hyphen &shy; &#173;
® registered trademark &reg; &#174;
trademark &trade; &#8482;
¯ spacing macron &macr; &#175;
° degree &deg; &#176;
± plus-or-minus  &plusmn; &#177;
² superscript 2 &sup2; &#178;
³ superscript 3 &sup3; &#179;
´ spacing acute &acute; &#180;
µ micro &micro; &#181;
paragraph &para; &#182;
· middle dot &middot; &#183;
¸ spacing cedilla &cedil; &#184;
¹ superscript 1 &sup1; &#185;
º masculine ordinal indicator &ordm; &#186;
» angle quotation mark (right) &raquo; &#187;
¼ fraction 1/4 &frac14; &#188;
½ fraction 1/2 &frac12; &#189;
¾ fraction 3/4 &frac34; &#190;
¿ inverted question mark &iquest; &#191;
× multiplication &times; &#215;
÷ division &divide; &#247;

ISO 8859-1字符实体

Result 描述 Entity Name Number Code
À capital a, grave accent &Agrave; &#192;
Á capital a, acute accent &Aacute; &#193;
 capital a, circumflex accent &Acirc; &#194;
à capital a, tilde &Atilde; &#195;
Ä capital a, umlaut mark &Auml; &#196;
Å capital a, ring &Aring; &#197;
Æ capital ae &AElig; &#198;
Ç capital c, cedilla &Ccedil; &#199;
È capital e, grave accent &Egrave; &#200;
É capital e, acute accent &Eacute; &#201;
Ê capital e, circumflex accent &Ecirc; &#202;
Ë capital e, umlaut mark &Euml; &#203;
Ì capital i, grave accent &Igrave; &#204;
Í capital i, acute accent &Iacute; &#205;
Î capital i, circumflex accent &Icirc; &#206;
Ï capital i, umlaut mark &Iuml; &#207;
Ð capital eth, Icelandic &ETH; &#208;
Ñ capital n, tilde &Ntilde; &#209;
Ò capital o, grave accent &Ograve; &#210;
Ó capital o, acute accent &Oacute; &#211;
Ô capital o, circumflex accent &Ocirc; &#212;
Õ capital o, tilde &Otilde; &#213;
Ö capital o, umlaut mark &Ouml; &#214;
Ø capital o, slash &Oslash; &#216;
Ù capital u, grave accent &Ugrave; &#217;
Ú capital u, acute accent &Uacute; &#218;
Û capital u, circumflex accent &Ucirc; &#219;
Ü capital u, umlaut mark &Uuml; &#220;
Ý capital y, acute accent &Yacute; &#221;
Þ capital THORN, Icelandic &THORN; &#222;
ß small sharp s, German &szlig; &#223;
à small a, grave accent &agrave; &#224;
á small a, acute accent &aacute; &#225;
â small a, circumflex accent &acirc; &#226;
ã small a, tilde &atilde; &#227;
ä small a, umlaut mark &auml; &#228;
å small a, ring &aring; &#229;
æ small ae &aelig; &#230;
ç small c, cedilla &ccedil; &#231;
è small e, grave accent &egrave; &#232;
é small e, acute accent &eacute; &#233;
ê small e, circumflex accent &ecirc; &#234;
ë small e, umlaut mark &euml; &#235;
ì small i, grave accent &igrave; &#236;
í small i, acute accent &iacute; &#237;
î small i, circumflex accent &icirc; &#238;
ï small i, umlaut mark &iuml; &#239;
ð small eth, Icelandic &eth; &#240;
ñ small n, tilde &ntilde; &#241;
ò small o, grave accent &ograve; &#242;
ó small o, acute accent &oacute; &#243;
ô small o, circumflex accent &ocirc; &#244;
õ small o, tilde &otilde; &#245;
ö small o, umlaut mark &ouml; &#246;
ø small o, slash &oslash; &#248;
ù small u, grave accent &ugrave; &#249;
ú small u, acute accent &uacute; &#250;
û small u, circumflex accent &ucirc; &#251;
ü small u, umlaut mark &uuml; &#252;
ý small y, acute accent &yacute; &#253;
þ small thorn, Icelandic &thorn; &#254;
ÿ small y, umlaut mark &yuml; &#255;


Result 描述 Entity Name Number Code
Πcapital ligature OE &OElig; &#338;
œ small ligature oe &oelig; &#339;
Š capital S with caron &Scaron; &#352;
š small S with caron &scaron; &#353;
Ÿ capital Y with diaeres &Yuml; &#376;
ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent &circ; &#710;
˜ small tilde &tilde; &#732;
en space &ensp; &#8194;
em space &emsp; &#8195;
thin space &thinsp; &#8201;
zero width non-joiner &zwnj; &#8204;
zero width joiner &zwj; &#8205;
left-to-right mark &lrm; &#8206;
right-to-left mark &rlm; &#8207;
en dash &ndash; &#8211;
em dash &mdash; &#8212;
left single quotation mark &lsquo; &#8216;
' right single quotation mark &rsquo; &#8217;
single low-9 quotation mark &sbquo; &#8218;
left double quotation mark &ldquo; &#8220;
right double quotation mark &rdquo; &#8221;
double low-9 quotation mark &bdquo; &#8222;
dagger &dagger; &#8224;
double dagger &Dagger; &#8225;
horizontal ellipsis &hellip; &#8230;
per mille  &permil; &#8240;
single left-pointing angle quotation &lsaquo; &#8249;
single right-pointing angle quotation &rsaquo; &#8250;
euro &euro; &#8364;

祝学习愉快!(内容编辑有误?请选中要编辑内容 -> 右键 -> 修改 -> 提交!)


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