I want to pass an html ngModel value <kendo-dropdownlist style=" width: 92%;" [data]="year" [(ngModel)]="selectedYear"> which is located on Combocomponent.html, to a service which is called Home.service.ts.

Inside the service I have this code:


  configUrl1 = 'https://localhost:44361/api/Active_Serviced_Outlets?Year='+this.selectedYear+'&quarter=1&month=1';
  getMethod1() {
    return this.http.get(this.configUrl1);

I want to dynamically pass the [(ngModel)]="selectedYear" value to selected Year so every time the user inputs an year.


I want to pass an html ngModel value <kendo-dropdownlist style=" width: 92%;" [data]="year" [(ngModel)]="selectedYear"> which is located on Combocomponent.html, to a service which is called Home.service.ts.

Inside the service I have this code:

  configUrl1 = 'https://localhost:44361/api/Active_Serviced_Outlets?Year=2021&quarter=1&month=1';
  getMethod1() {
    return this.http.get(this.configUrl1);

I want to dynamically pass the [(ngModel)]="selectedYear" value to selected Year so every time the user inputs an year.


<div class="row">
  <div class="column">

    <p> &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>Year </b></p>

    <kendo-dropdownlist [data]="year" [(ngModel)]="selectedYear"></kendo-dropdownlist>


  public year: Array<string> = [

  public get selectedYear() {
    return this._homeServise.selectedYear;
  public set selectedYear(year: number) {
    this._homeServise.selectedYear = year;


You need pass the value to service whenever the value is updated.

In template,

<kendo-dropdownlist (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)"  [data]="year" [(ngModel)]="selectedYear"></kendo-dropdownlist>

In ts,

 this._homeServise.selectedYear = this.selectedYear;


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