get first string from list scala
val list = List(1, 2, 3)

> 1


scala views

traits in scala

scala rename import

What is Scala

how to get a Spring hello webpage in Scala ?

Feature #2: Detect Virus

Feature #1: Mutate DNA

DIY: Top K Frequent Elements

DIY: Valid Number scala code

Find Maximum Sum from Either End of an Array

Validate stock price scala

Feature #3: Balloon Splash

Feature #8: Find Intervals

Feature #1: Hand of Straights

Feature #7: Process Transactions

Feature #6: Assign Transactions

Feature #5: Top Brokers

Feature #4: Milestone Reached

Feature #3: Goals Fulfilled

Feature #2: Settling Period

Feature #1: Validate Price

Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers

Create your own Types in scala Using Case Classes

Create your own Types in scala Using Classes:

scala latest version

DIY: Nested List Weight Sum scala

DIY: First Bad Version scala

DIY: Find and Replace in a String scala

DIY: Decoding a String scala

DIY: Basic Calculator scala

Valid Parenthesis String with Asterisks

Nested List Weight Sum, Most Common Word in scala

Search for a word in a grid using DFS exploration

First Bad Version scala

Find and Replace in a String scala

Decoding a String scala

DIY: Valid Parenthesis String

Basic Calculator scala

DIY: Valid Parentheses

Count a Word in the Comments scala

DIY: Divide Two Integers

DIY: Pow(x, n)

DIY: Most Common Word =

Evaluate a mathematical expression using a stack

Feature #9: Validate Program Brackets

Feature #7: Exponentiation for Mobile Devices

Feature #6: Most Common Token

Feature #3: Minimum Hops

Feature #2: TTL Expiry

Difference between object and class in Scala

Feature #5: Auto Rotate in Mobile Devices

Feature #4: Validate Sorted Participants Data

DIY: Find All Anagrams in a String scala

Options in scala

BinarySearchTree in scala

DIY: All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree scala

Feature #9: Products in Price Range

DIY: Time Needed to Inform All Employees scala

Feature #7: Optimize Delivery Cost

Feature #12: Peak Signal Strength

Feature #4: Copy Product Data

Feature #11: Weighted Exponential Back-off

Feature #2: Suggest Items for Special Offer

Feature #10: Minimum Variation

Feature #1: Suggest Items for Free Delivery

Feature #8: Maximum Clock Skew

Feature #6: Transmission Error

Integer to English Words in scala

DIY: Evaluate Division

Select a random path to the customer in scala

DIY: Trapping Rainwater in scala

Find a path between two nodes in scala

DIY: K Closest Points to Origin scala

Obtain minimum pairs from Max Heap in scala

Minimum Path Sum in scala

Kth Largest Element in an Array in Scala

Diameter of Binary Tree in scala

Random Pick with Weight in Scala

Explain the term stream in Scala.

String Interpolation in Scala Raw Interpolation: