Perl 中的 unless...else 语句函数

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Perl 除非语句后可以跟可选的 else 语句,该语句在布尔表达式为true时执行。

unless...else - 语法

Perl编程语言中的unless... else 语句的语法为-

unless(boolean_expression) {
   # statement(s) will execute if the given condition is false
} else {
   # statement(s) will execute if the given condition is true

如果布尔表达式的值为 true ,则将执行代码的除非块,否则将执行代码的 else块。

unless...else - 流程图

Perl unless...else statement

unless...else - 示例

# check the boolean condition using unless statement
unless( $a == 20 ) {
   # if condition is false then print the following
   printf "given condition is false\n";
} else { 
   # if condition is true then print the following
   printf "given condition is true\n";
print "value of a is : $a\n";

# check the boolean condition using unless statement
unless( $a ) {
   # if condition is false then print the following
   printf "a has a false value\n";
} else {
   # if condition is true then print the following
   printf "a has a true value\n";
print "value of a is : $a\n";


given condition is false
value of a is : 100
a has a false value
value of a is : 

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