ExpressJS - 脚手架

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将使用的脚手架称为 Yeoman,它是为 Node.js 构建的脚手架工具,但还具有用于其他几个框架(如flask,rails,django等)的生成器,要安装Yeoman,请在终端中输入以下命令-

npm install -g yeoman

Yeoman使用生成器来构建应用程序,要查看 npm 上可用于Yeoman的生成器,可以单击此链接。在本教程中将使用'generator-Express-simple'。要安装此生成器,请在终端中输入以下命令-

npm install -g generator-express-simple



yo express-simple test-app
express-simple comes with bootstrap and jquery
[?] Select the express version you want: 4.x
[?] Do you want an mvc express app: Yes
[?] Select the css preprocessor you would like to use: sass
[?] Select view engine you would like to use: jade
[?] Select the build tool you want to use for this project: gulp
[?] Select the build tool you want to use for this project: gulp
[?] Select the language you want to use for the build tool: javascript
   create public/sass/styles.scss
   create public/js/main.js
   create views/layout.jade
   create views/index.jade
   create views/404.jade
   create app.js
   create config.js
   create routes/index.js
   create package.json
   create bower.json
identical .bowerrc
identical .editorconfig
identical .gitignore
identical .jshintrc
   create gulpfile.js

I'm all done. Running bower install & npm install for you to install the
required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.




祝学习愉快!(内容编辑有误?请选中要编辑内容 -> 右键 -> 修改 -> 提交!)


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