C++ Bitset 中的 set()函数

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C++ bitset set()函数用于将所有位设置为1。如果仅传递单个参数,则它将该特定索引处的位设置为1。

set - 语法

set(int index, bool Val);

set - 参数

index - 此参数指定必须设置该位的位置。该参数是可选的。

val      -  此参数指定一个布尔值,必须在索引处下注设置。该参数是可选的。

set - 返回值


set - 例子1

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
int main()
bitset<4> b(string("1001"));
cout<< "before applying set method : " << b <<'\n';
cout<< "after applying reset method : " <<b.set() <<'\n';
return 0;


before applying set method : 1001
after applying reset method : 1111

set - 例子2

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Initialization of bitset
bitset<4> b1(string("1100"));
bitset<6> b2(string("100100"));
// Function that resets all bits
cout<< "Before applying set() function: "<< b1 <<endl;
// single parameter is passed
cout<< "After applying set(1) function: "
<< b1 <<endl;

// Function that resets all bits
cout<< "Before applying set() function: "
<< b2 <<endl;
//both parameters is passed
b2.set(2, 0);
b2.set(4, 1);
cout<< "After applying set(2, 0) and"
<<" set(4, 1) function: " << b2 <<endl;
return 0;


Before applying set() function: 1100
After applying set(1) function: 1110
Before applying set() function: 100100
After applying set(2, 0) and set(4, 1) function: 110000

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