C++ Bitset 中的 any()函数

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C++ bitset any()函数用于测试是否至少设置了bitset中的一位。它返回一个布尔值,即true或false。

any - 语法

bool any();

any - 返回值


any - 例子1

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
int main()
bitset<4> b1(string("1100"));
bitset<6> b2(string("000000"));
// function to check if any of
//its bits are set or not
bool result1 = b1.any();
if (result1)
cout<< b1 << " has a minimum of one-bit set"
cout<< b1 << " does not have any bits set"
// function to check if any of
// its bits are set or not
bool result2 = b2.any();
if (result2)
cout<< b2 << "  has a minimum of one-bit set"
cout<< b2 << " does not have any bits set"
return 0;


1100 has a minimum of one-bit set
000000 does not have any bits set

any - 例子2

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
int main()
bitset<4> b1(string("1100"));
bitset<4> b2(string("00"));
bool result1 = b1.any();
if (result1)
cout<< b1.count() << " has a minimum of one-bit set"
cout<< b1.count() << " does not have any bits set"
bool result2 = b2.any();
if (result2)
cout<< b2.count() << " has a minimum of one-bit set"
cout<< b2.count() << " does not have any bits set"
return 0;


2 has a minimum of one-bit set
0 does not have any bits set

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