C++ Set 中的 get_allocator函数

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C++ set get_allocator()函数用于返回分配器对象的副本,该对象有助于构造set集合。

get_allocator - 语法

allocator_type get_allocator() const; 		//until C++ 11
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept; 	//since C++ 11

get_allocator - 返回值


get_allocator - 例子1


#include <iostream>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

int main(void) {
   set<double> m;   
   double *p;

   p = m.get_allocator().allocate(3);

   //size of double is 8
   cout << "Allocated size = " <<  sizeof(*p) * 4 << endl;

   return 0;


Allocated size = 32

get_allocator - 例子2


#include <iostream>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

int main ()
  set<int> myset;
  int * p;
  unsigned int i;

 //allocate an array of 5 elements using myset's allocator:

 //assign some values to array
  for (i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=(i+1)*10;

  cout << "The allocated array contains:";
  for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout << ' ' << p[i];
  cout << '\n';


  return 0;


The allocated array contains: 10 20 30 40 50

get_allocator - 例子3


#include <set>  
#include <iostream>  
int main( )  
   using namespace std;  
   set <int>::allocator_type s1_Alloc;  
   set <int>::allocator_type s2_Alloc;  
   set <double>::allocator_type s3_Alloc;  
   set <int>::allocator_type s4_Alloc;  
  //The following lines declare objects  
  //that use the default allocator.  
   set <int> s1;  
   set <int, allocator<int> > s2;  
   set <double, allocator<double> > s3;  
   s1_Alloc = s1.get_allocator( );  
   s2_Alloc = s2.get_allocator( );  
   s3_Alloc = s3.get_allocator( );  
   cout << "The number of integers that can be allocated"  
        << endl << "before free memory is exhausted: "  
        << s2.max_size( ) << "." << endl;  
   cout << "\nThe number of doubles that can be allocated"  
        << endl << "before free memory is exhausted: "  
        << s3.max_size( ) <<  "." << endl;  
  //The following line creates a set s4  
  //with the allocator of multiset s1.  
   set <int> s4( less<int>( ), s1_Alloc );  
   s4_Alloc = s4.get_allocator( );  
  //Two allocators are interchangeable if  
  //storage allocated from each can be  
  //deallocated by the other  
   if( s1_Alloc == s4_Alloc )  
      cout << "\nThe allocators are interchangeable."  
           << endl;  
      cout << "\nThe allocators are not interchangeable."  
           << endl;  
   return 0;


The number of integers that can be allocated
before free memory is exhausted: 461168601842738790.

The number of doubles that can be allocated
before free memory is exhausted: 461168601842738790.

The allocators are interchangeable.

get_allocator - 例子4


#include <iostream>
 #include <set>

using namespace std;

int  main () 
  set < int >  c ; 
  int *  p ;

  p  =  c . get_allocator () . allocate ( 2 );

  p [ 0 ]  =  42 ; 
  p [ 1 ]  =  43 ;

  cout  <<  p [ 0 ]  <<  ", "  <<  p [ 1 ]  <<  endl ;

  c . get_allocator () . deallocate ( p ,  2 ); 


42, 43

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