C++ Map 中的 max_size函数

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C++映射 max_size()函数用于获取映射集合可以容纳的最大大小。

max_size - 语法

成员类型 size_type 是无符号整数类型。

size_type max_size() const;//until C++ 11
size_type max_size() const noexcept; //since C++ 11

max_size - 参数


max_size - 返回值


max_size - 例子1


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
    map<char,char> s;
    cout << "Maximum size of a 'map' is " << s.max_size() << "\n";


Maximum size of a 'map' is 461168601842738790


max_size - 例子2


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
 using namespace std;
 int main ()
  int i;
  map<int,int> mymap;

  if (mymap.max_size()>1000)
    for (i=0; i<1000; i++) mymap[i]=0;
    cout << "The map contains 1000 elements.\n";
  else cout << "The map could not hold 1000 elements.\n";

  return 0;


The map contains 1000 elements.


max_size - 例子3


#include <map>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main()
   //initialize container
    map<int, int> mp1, mp2;
    mp1[1] = 1111;
   //max size of Non-empty map
    cout << "The max size of mp1 is " << mp1.max_size();
   //max size of Empty-map
    cout << "\nThe max size of mp2 is " << mp2.max_size();
    return 0;


The max size of mp1 is 461168601842738790
The max size of mp2 is 461168601842738790

在上面的示例中,有两个映射,即m1和m2。 m1是一个非空映射,m2是一个空映射。但是,两个映射的最大大小是相同的。

max_size - 例子4


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {

  typedef map<string, int> city;  
   string name;
   int age;
   city fmly ;
   int n;

   cout<<"Enter the number of fmly members :";

   cout<<"Enter the name and age of each member: \n";
   for(int i =0; i<n; i++)
       cin>> name;     //Get key
       cin>> age;   //Get value
       fmly[name] = age;  //Put them in map
      cout<<"\nTotal number of population of city map: "<<fmly.max_size();
      cout<<"\nTotal memnber of fmly is:"<< fmly.size();

      cout<<"\nDetails of fmly members: \n";
      cout<<"\nName  |  Age \n ________________________\n";
      city::iterator p;
      for(p = fmly.begin(); p!=fmly.end(); p++)
          cout<<(*p).first << " | " <<(*p).second <<" \n ";
   return 0;


Enter the number of fmly members : 3
Enter the name and age of each member: 
Ram 42
Sita 37
Laxman 40

Total number of population of city map: 384307168202282325
Total memnber of fmly is:3
Details of fmly members: 

Name    |  Age 
Laxman | 40 
Ram      | 42 
Sita       | 37

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